The team of the European Forum Alpbach is located in Vienna and manages the overall organisation of the main conference and the further events during the year. It ensures that all events are adequately financed and coordinated professionally, and that the events are covered appropriately in the media. In addition, the team is in charge of coordinating the annual scholarship programme.
Unit Communities | Junior Stakeholder Manager | Philanthropy and Grants (educational leave)
Unit Communities | Senior Stakeholder Manager | Philanthropy and Grants (maternity leave)
The boards of the European Forum Alpbach Association and the European Forum Alpbach Foundation consist of seventeen dedicated people with one goal: To positively contribute to the future of Europe. The Foundation and Association are chaired by Othmar Karas who is elected president since 2024. Together with a team of international experts, he is responsible for the orientation and strategy of the European Forum Alpbach.
Board Member Foundation
President Association & Chairman Foundation
Vice President Association
Board Member Foundation
Vice President Association
Board Member Foundation
Vice President Association
Board Member Association (FAN-Representative)
Treasurer, Board Member Association
Vice President Association
Board Member Association (FAN-Representative)
Othmar Karas, President | Former First Vice-President of the European Parliament
Sabine Herlitschka, Vice President | Chief Executive Officer, Infineon
Christian Kern, Vice President | Former Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria
Antonella Mei-Pochtler, Vice President | International consultant, member of various supervisory boards and investor
Marie Ringler, Vice President | European head of the world’s largest network for social entrepreneurs, Ashoka
Peter Oberlechner, Treasurer | Partner WOLF THEISS
Klaudie Mrkusová, Board Member (FAN-Representative) | Member of the Forum Alpbach Network Board | Policy Officer DG ENER (European Commission) and Vice-Chair of the Forum Alpbach Network Board
Jenni Zeller, Board Member (FAN-Representative) | Member of the Forum Alpbach Network Board | Conference interpreter, DLG at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and Chair of the Forum Alpbach Network Board
Othmar Karas, Chairman | Former First Vice-President of the European Parliament
Caroline Hornstein-Tomić, Board Member | Senior Researcher (Sociology & Anthropology) at Insitute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar / Zagreb und Co-founder & Managing Partner of THE CIVICS Innovation Hub
Winfried Kneip, Board Member | Freelance Educational Consultant and Former Head of the Education Competence Centre of the Mercator Foundation
Klaus Welle, Board Member | Former Secretary General of the EU Parliament
The Strategic Advisory Council advises and supports the organisation in all its activities. Its members ensure that the continuity in the connection to the historical roots and values of the European Forum Alpbach as well as the pluralistic anchoring in democratic society is preserved or strived for. The Council consists of up to 40 members as well as the members of the Executive Board, the Chairpersons of the Board of Trustees and the International Advisory Board, three representatives of the FAN, the Honorary Presidents and the auditors.
Armin Laschet, Co-Chair | Former Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia
Mairead McGuinness, Co-Chair | Former EU Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
Markus Bischofer | Mayor of Alpbach (co-opted)
Brigitte Brenner | Ambassador, Permanent Observer of the IPU to the United Nations and international organizations in Vienna
Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook | Senior Advisor, Bertelsmann Foundation
Verena Ehold | Head of the Federal Environment Agency
Lisa-Marie Fassl | Founder, Venture Capital Fonds
Irene Giner-Reichl | Retired Ambassador
Wolfgang Habermayer | Founder and CEO, Merito Financial Solutions
Valerie Hengl | Co-founder of Purecy
Michael Hirschbrich | CEO Apollo.AI
Bruno Hofbauer | Major General, Austrian Federal Army
Herwig Hösele | Secretary-General, Future Fund of the Republic of Austria
Michael Ikrath | Former Member of the National Council Austria
Thomas Kahn | Managing Director, Congress Centrum Alpbach (co-opted)
Georg Kopetz | Co-founder and Board Member of TTTech Computertechnik AG
Larissa Krainer | Philosopher and communication scientist, University of Klagenfurt
Elisabeth Krainer-Senger-Weiss | Attorney Krainer-Senger-Weiss Rechtsanwalts GmbH
Kathryn List | CEO and Co-Founder, AVL Foundation
Hans Mahr | Media consultant, journalist
Bernhard Marckhgott | Head of Corporate Communications, Raiffeisenlandesbank Upper Austria
Josef Margreiter | CEO, Lebensraum Tirol Holding GmbH
Sophie Martinetz | Director, WU Legal Tech Center and Managing Partner Future-Law
Clemens Mayr-Harting | Head of Cabinet of the Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution
Beate Meinl-Reisinger | Party Leader of NEOS and Group Leader in the National Council
Dieter Natlacen | Attorney, Kanzlei TaylorWessing
Bernhard Niesner | Founder, Busuu
Leonard Novy | Co-Director of the Institute for Media and Communication Policy (IfM) in Cologne
Wolfgang Petritsch | Retired Ambassador, President of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation
Klaus Poier | Political Scientist and Constitutional Lawyer, University Professor
Sophie Pornschlegel | Director of Studies at Europe Jacques Delors, Policy Fellow of the Progressive Centre
Filip Radunović | Team Leader, GIZ (Belgrade)
Andrä Rupprechter | Director, General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union
Rupert Sausgruber | Rector of the Vienna University of Economics and Business
Martin Schulz | Former President of the European Parliament
Agnes Streissler-Führer | Deputy Federal Managing Director of the GPA trade union, Chairwoman of the GPA Private Foundation
Matthias Strolz | Founder of NEOS - The New Austria, Author
Stefan Wallner | Managing Director, Alliance for Nonprofit Organizations
Martin Weiss | CEO Salzburg Global Seminar
Christoph Wenna | Founder & Managing Partner, Wenna Consult GmbH
Werner Wutscher | Founder of New Venture Scouting
Board members of the EFA-Association
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Florian Boschek
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Andreas Maierhofer
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Jenni Zeller
Honorary President of the EFA: Franz Fischler
Honorary President of the EFA: Andreas Treichl
Co-Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board: Michaela Fritz
Co-Chair of the International Advisory Board: Thomas Mayr-Harting
Auditor: Günther Schrems
Auditor: Karl Sevelda
The Scientific Advisory Board provides academic advice to the Executive Board and the other bodies of the association. In particular, it makes suggestions for the programme design, the selection of speakers, moderators, seminar leaders and the formats of the association's events. The Scientific Advisory Board consists of up to 40 recognised academics and people from public and cultural life as well as the Chairperson of the IAB and three representatives of the FAN.
Michaela Fritz, Co-Chair | Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Medical University Vienna
Gabriel Felbermayr, Co-Chair | Director, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
Nadia Al-Bagdadi | Professor, Department of Historical Studies and Center for Religious Studies, Central European University, Vienna
Andreas Altmann | Rector, MCI
Brigitte Bach | Managing Director, Austrian Institute of Technology
Christoph Badelt I President of the Fiscal Council
Felix Creutzig | Head of working group Land Use, Infrastructure and Transport, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
Maria Demertzis | Economy, Strategy and Finance Center Leader Europe, The Conference Board
Anna Pospech Durnova | Professor of Political Sociology, University of Vienna & Senior Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies
Tamara Ehs | Political Scientist & Democracy Consultant, Ehs & Fils Democracy Consulting
Heinz Fassmann | President, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Franz-Stefan Gady | Associate Fellow for Cyber Power and Future Conflict, International Institute for Strategic Studies
Katharina Gassner | Senior Economist for Infrastructure, World Bank
Philipp Gerbert | CEO, TUM Venture Labs
Misha Glenny | Rector, Institute for Human Sciences
Ian Goldin | Professor of Globalization and Development, Oxford University & Senior Fellow, Oxford Martin School
Bernhard Haslhofer | Group Leader Cryptofinance, Complexity Science Hub & Co-Founder Iknaio Cryptoasset Analytics
Markus Hengstschläger | Head, Center for Pathobiochemistry and Genetics, Medical University of Vienna
Sabine Junginger | Full Professor in Communication Design, Northumbria University, School of Design
Monika Köppl-Turyna | Director, ECO Austria
Mark Leonard | Executive Director, European Council on Foreign Relations
Dominik Markl | Professor of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology, University of Innsbruck
Katja Mayer | Research Associate (Postdoc), Institute for Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna
Josef Mitterer | Former Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Klagenfurt
Manfred Nowak | Secretary General, Global Campus of Human Rights
Barbara Prainsack | Professor for Comparative Policy Analysis, University of Vienna
Michael Reiterer | Professor, Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance & Ambassador of the European Union ret.
Keywan Riahi | Program Director, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Diemut Schilling | Professor of Drawing and Printmaking, Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences
Veronika Sexl | Rector, University of Innsbruck
Nona Shepphard | Associate Director & Chair of Audition Panel, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Leena Srivastava | Advisory Council, New Age Makers Institute of Technology (NAMTECH )
Georg Steinhauser | Professor of Applied Radiochemistry, Technical University of Vienna
Katrin Suder | Senior Advisor and Board Member & former State Secretary, German Ministry of Defence
Kavita Surana | Professor of Data Ecosystems and Environmental Accountability, Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Ulrike Tanzer | Head of the Brenner Archive Research Institute, University of Innsbruck
Velina Tchakarova | Founder, FACE For A Conscious Experience
Nathalie Tocci | Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali
Renata Uitz | Senior Research Fellow, Democracy Institute, Central European University
Howard Williamson | Professor of European Youth Policy, Faculty of Business and Creative Industries, University of South Wales
Chairman of the International Advisory Board: Thomas Mayr-Harting
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Jenni Zeller
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Florian Boschek
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Dorotea Neuberg
The International Advisory Board consists of up to 40 internationally recognised personalities from politics, business, science and society. The International Advisory Board advises the Executive Board on programme development and the selection of speakers and supports the association in its networking activities.
Thomas Mayr-Harting, Co-Chair | former EEAS Managing Director, former Ambassador of Austria and the EU to the UN in New York
Arancha González Laya, Co-Chair | Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po/former Foreign Minister of Spain
Catherine Ashton | Former High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and First Vice-President of the European Commission, European Union
Carl Bildt | Co-Chair, European Council on Foreign Relations/former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden
Anna Maria Corazza Bildt | Former Member of the European Parliament
Katja Gentinetta | Philosopher, Author, TV moderator
Eamon Gilmore | Former EU Special Representative for Human Rights, European Union/former Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland
Hermann Hauser | Co-Founder and Venture Partner, Amadeus Capital Partners
Jean-Claude Hollerich | Cardinal, Archbishop of Luxembourg
Wolfgang Ischinger | President, Foundation Council of the Munich Security Conference Foundation
Ivan Krastev | Chairman, Centre for Liberal Strategies/Permanent Fellow, IWM
Miroslav Lajcák | Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues, European Union/former Foreign Minister of Slovakia
Pascal Lamy | Vice-President, Paris Peace Forum/former Director-General, World Trade Organisation
Philippe Narval | Secretary General, Lebenshilfe Österreich
Kasia Pisarska | Founder and Chair, Warsaw Security Forum, Co-Founder and Chair, European Academy of Diplomacy and Casimir Pulaski Foundation
Geneviève Pons | Director General and Vice President, Europe Jacques Delors
Daniel Sachs | Founder and CEO, P Capital Partners/Founder and Chair Daniel Sachs Foundation
Anya Schiffrin | Director of Technology, Media, and Communications, Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs
Martin Selmayr | Ambassador of the European Union to the Holy See, the Sovereign Order of Malta, the UN Organisations in Rome (FAO, WFP, IFAD) and the Republic of San Marino
Bruno Stagno-Ugarte | Chief Advocacy Officer, Human Rights Watch/former Foreign Minister of Costa Rica
Joseph Stiglitz | Economist and Professor, Columbia University/Recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
Cédric Villani | Mathematician/Recipient of the Fields Medal/former French Member of Parliament
Alois von und zu Liechtenstein | Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein
Thomas Wieser | Former President of the Eurogroup Working Group and the European Financial Committee, European Union
Honorary President of the EFA: Franz Fischler
Honorary President of the EFA: Andreas Treichl
Robert Brieger, Chairman | Non-Resident Fellow, Bruegel
Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook | Executive Vice President of the Bertelsmann Stiftung
Franz-Stefan Gady | Associate Fellow for Cyber Power and Future Conflict at the Institute for International Strategic Studies (IISS)
Elisabeth Kornfeind | Director-General for Europe and Economy at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, former Ambassador to Belgium and to NATO
Thomas Mayr-Harting | OSCE Special Representative, former Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations
Antonella Mei-Pochtler | Senior Executive and Advisor, formerly strategy, analysis and planning at the Austrian Federal Chancellery
Jan Farfal | Associate Fellow for Cyber Power and Future Conflict at the Institute for International Strategic Studies (IISS), Representative of the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN)
Coordination: Christoph Girbinger (Programme Manager Security)
Irmgard Griss, Chairwoman | Former President of the Austrian Supreme Court of Justice
Alberto Alemanno | Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law at HEC Paris, Founder of The Good Lobby
Caroline Hornstein-Tomić | Co-founder and Managing partner of THE CIVICS Innovation Hub
Martin Kreutner | Dean Emeritus of the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)
Peter Neumann | Founding Director of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence
Sophie Pornschlegel | Vice Director at Europe Jacques Delors, Policy Fellow of the Progressive Centre
Barbara Prainsack | Director of the interdisciplinary research platform Governance of Digital Practices
Mariella Rieder | Senior Legal Counsel with special focus on data protection law and AI law at Prewave
Klaus Welle | Former Secretary General of the European Parliament
Mariella Rieder | Representative of the Forum Alpbach Network ( FAN)
Coordination: Péter Hunya (Content Manager Democracy and Rule of Law)
Kirsten Dunlop, Chairwoman | Managing Director of Climate-KIC
Christiane Brunner | Member of the Board of CEOs for Future, former Member of the Austrian Parliament
Irene Giner-Reichl | Former ambassador, co-founder of the Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition
Marie Ringler | Head of Europe, Ashoka
Gernot Wagner | Climate economist, Columbia Business School
Felix Ambros | Co-founder of thinkubator, representative of the Forum Alpbach Network ( FAN)
Coordination: Mirta Surlina (Content Manager Climate)
Burkhard Balz, Chairman | Member, Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank
Gabriel Felbermayr | Director, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
Sabine Herlitschka | CEO, Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Mairead McGuinness | Former EU Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
Andreas Treichl | Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ERSTE Foundation, Honorary President of the EFA
Thomas Wieser | Non-Resident Fellow, Bruegel
Werner Wutscher | Founder and Managing Director, New Venture Scouting
Prosper Mageza | Representative of the Forum Alpbach Network ( FAN)
Coordination: Elke Lerch (Programme Manager Finance & Economy)
Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Chairman | Cultural manager, curator and author
Jakob Dunkl | Architect, querkraft architectural office
Andrea Grill | Writer and biologist
Marie-Therese Harnoncourt-Fuchs | architect, The Next Enterprise Architects
Winfried Kneip | Founder and Programme Director, Love Politics; represents the Board
Claudia Larcher | Visual artist, film maker, AI researcher and curator
Cornelius Obonya | Actor
Sabine Reiter | Managing Director, mica - Music Austria
Eva-Maria Schitter | Senior Scientist, Mozarteum; represents the Forum Alpbach Network
Georg Schnitzer | Designer, Vandasye Design Office
Elisabeth Schweeger | Artistic Director, Capital of Culture Bad Ischl - Salzkammergut 2024 GmbH
Coordination: Theodora Danek (Content Manager Arts & Culture)
Michaela Fritz, Chairwoman | Vice-Rector MedUni Vienna & Co-Chair SAB
Caroline Hornstein-Tomić | Senior Researcher, Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb; Vorstandsmitglied, THE CIVICS Innovation Hub
Winfried Kneip | Bildungsberater und ehem. Leiter Stiftung Mercator
Katja Mayer | Elise Richter Fellow, Uni Wien
Howard Williamson | Professor, Europäische Jugendpolitik, University of South Wales
Dorotea Neuberg | Forum Alpbach Network ( FAN) Representative
Projektmanagement: Nadine Beisteiner (Content Manager Seminars)
Peter Oberlechner, Chairman | Partner, Wolf Theiss
Othmar Karas | Former First Vice-President of the European Parliament
Winfried Kneip | Education Consultant and former Head of Stiftung Mercator
Birgit Berthold-Kremsner | CMO and Sustainability Executive
Andreas Bierwirth | CEO, Avcon Jet AG
Hubert Cottogni| Director, European Investment Bank Group
Oliver Suchocki | Partner, EY
Rainer Newald | Secretary General, Austrian-American Society
Philipp Berkessy | Owner and CEO, Berkessy Consulting GmbH
Andreas Maierhofer | Lead economic forum D-A-CH @myAbility Social Enterprise, representative of the Forum Alpbach Network ( FAN)
Project management: Annamária Tóth (Head Unit Communities)
The team of the European Forum Alpbach is located in Vienna and manages the overall organisation of the main conference and the further events during the year. It ensures that all events are adequately financed and coordinated professionally, and that the events are covered appropriately in the media. In addition, the team is in charge of coordinating the annual scholarship programme.
Unit Communities | Junior Stakeholder Manager | Philanthropy and Grants (educational leave)
Unit Communities | Senior Stakeholder Manager | Philanthropy and Grants (maternity leave)
The boards of the European Forum Alpbach Association and the European Forum Alpbach Foundation consist of seventeen dedicated people with one goal: To positively contribute to the future of Europe. The Foundation and Association are chaired by Othmar Karas who is elected president since 2024. Together with a team of international experts, he is responsible for the orientation and strategy of the European Forum Alpbach.
Vice President Association
President Association & Chairman Foundation
Vice President Association
Vice President Association
Board Member Foundation
Board Member Association (FAN-Representative)
Board Member Foundation
Treasurer, Board Member Association
Vice President Association
Board Member Association (FAN-Representative)
Board Member Foundation
Othmar Karas, President | Former First Vice-President of the European Parliament
Sabine Herlitschka, Vice President | Chief Executive Officer, Infineon
Christian Kern, Vice President | Former Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria
Antonella Mei-Pochtler, Vice President | International consultant, member of various supervisory boards and investor
Marie Ringler, Vice President | European head of the world’s largest network for social entrepreneurs, Ashoka
Peter Oberlechner, Treasurer | Partner WOLF THEISS
Klaudie Mrkusová, Board Member (FAN-Representative) | Member of the Forum Alpbach Network Board | Policy Officer DG ENER (European Commission) and Vice-Chair of the Forum Alpbach Network Board
Jenni Zeller, Board Member (FAN-Representative) | Member of the Forum Alpbach Network Board | Conference interpreter, DLG at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and Chair of the Forum Alpbach Network Board
Othmar Karas, Chairman | Former First Vice-President of the European Parliament
Caroline Hornstein-Tomić, Board Member | Senior Researcher (Sociology & Anthropology) at Insitute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar / Zagreb und Co-founder & Managing Partner of THE CIVICS Innovation Hub
Winfried Kneip, Board Member | Freelance Educational Consultant and Former Head of the Education Competence Centre of the Mercator Foundation
Klaus Welle, Board Member | Former Secretary General of the EU Parliament
The Strategic Advisory Council advises and supports the organisation in all its activities. Its members ensure that the continuity in the connection to the historical roots and values of the European Forum Alpbach as well as the pluralistic anchoring in democratic society is preserved or strived for. The Council consists of up to 40 members as well as the members of the Executive Board, the Chairpersons of the Board of Trustees and the International Advisory Board, three representatives of the FAN, the Honorary Presidents and the auditors.
Armin Laschet, Co-Chair | Former Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia
Mairead McGuinness, Co-Chair | Former EU Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
Markus Bischofer | Mayor of Alpbach (co-opted)
Brigitte Brenner | Ambassador, Permanent Observer of the IPU to the United Nations and international organizations in Vienna
Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook | Senior Advisor, Bertelsmann Foundation
Verena Ehold | Head of the Federal Environment Agency
Lisa-Marie Fassl | Founder, Venture Capital Fonds
Irene Giner-Reichl | Retired Ambassador
Wolfgang Habermayer | Founder and CEO, Merito Financial Solutions
Valerie Hengl | Co-founder of Purecy
Michael Hirschbrich | CEO Apollo.AI
Bruno Hofbauer | Major General, Austrian Federal Army
Herwig Hösele | Secretary-General, Future Fund of the Republic of Austria
Michael Ikrath | Former Member of the National Council Austria
Thomas Kahn | Managing Director, Congress Centrum Alpbach (co-opted)
Georg Kopetz | Co-founder and Board Member of TTTech Computertechnik AG
Larissa Krainer | Philosopher and communication scientist, University of Klagenfurt
Elisabeth Krainer-Senger-Weiss | Attorney Krainer-Senger-Weiss Rechtsanwalts GmbH
Kathryn List | CEO and Co-Founder, AVL Foundation
Hans Mahr | Media consultant, journalist
Bernhard Marckhgott | Head of Corporate Communications, Raiffeisenlandesbank Upper Austria
Josef Margreiter | CEO, Lebensraum Tirol Holding GmbH
Sophie Martinetz | Director, WU Legal Tech Center and Managing Partner Future-Law
Clemens Mayr-Harting | Head of Cabinet of the Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution
Beate Meinl-Reisinger | Party Leader of NEOS and Group Leader in the National Council
Dieter Natlacen | Attorney, Kanzlei TaylorWessing
Bernhard Niesner | Founder, Busuu
Leonard Novy | Co-Director of the Institute for Media and Communication Policy (IfM) in Cologne
Wolfgang Petritsch | Retired Ambassador, President of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation
Klaus Poier | Political Scientist and Constitutional Lawyer, University Professor
Sophie Pornschlegel | Director of Studies at Europe Jacques Delors, Policy Fellow of the Progressive Centre
Filip Radunović | Team Leader, GIZ (Belgrade)
Andrä Rupprechter | Director, General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union
Rupert Sausgruber | Rector of the Vienna University of Economics and Business
Martin Schulz | Former President of the European Parliament
Agnes Streissler-Führer | Deputy Federal Managing Director of the GPA trade union, Chairwoman of the GPA Private Foundation
Matthias Strolz | Founder of NEOS - The New Austria, Author
Stefan Wallner | Managing Director, Alliance for Nonprofit Organizations
Martin Weiss | CEO Salzburg Global Seminar
Christoph Wenna | Founder & Managing Partner, Wenna Consult GmbH
Werner Wutscher | Founder of New Venture Scouting
Board members of the EFA-Association
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Florian Boschek
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Andreas Maierhofer
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Jenni Zeller
Honorary President of the EFA: Franz Fischler
Honorary President of the EFA: Andreas Treichl
Co-Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board: Michaela Fritz
Co-Chair of the International Advisory Board: Thomas Mayr-Harting
Auditor: Günther Schrems
Auditor: Karl Sevelda
The Scientific Advisory Board provides academic advice to the Executive Board and the other bodies of the association. In particular, it makes suggestions for the programme design, the selection of speakers, moderators, seminar leaders and the formats of the association's events. The Scientific Advisory Board consists of up to 40 recognised academics and people from public and cultural life as well as the Chairperson of the IAB and three representatives of the FAN.
Michaela Fritz, Co-Chair | Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Medical University Vienna
Gabriel Felbermayr, Co-Chair | Director, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
Nadia Al-Bagdadi | Professor, Department of Historical Studies and Center for Religious Studies, Central European University, Vienna
Andreas Altmann | Rector, MCI
Brigitte Bach | Managing Director, Austrian Institute of Technology
Christoph Badelt I President of the Fiscal Council
Felix Creutzig | Head of working group Land Use, Infrastructure and Transport, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change
Maria Demertzis | Economy, Strategy and Finance Center Leader Europe, The Conference Board
Anna Pospech Durnova | Professor of Political Sociology, University of Vienna & Senior Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies
Tamara Ehs | Political Scientist & Democracy Consultant, Ehs & Fils Democracy Consulting
Heinz Fassmann | President, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Franz-Stefan Gady | Associate Fellow for Cyber Power and Future Conflict, International Institute for Strategic Studies
Katharina Gassner | Senior Economist for Infrastructure, World Bank
Philipp Gerbert | CEO, TUM Venture Labs
Misha Glenny | Rector, Institute for Human Sciences
Ian Goldin | Professor of Globalization and Development, Oxford University & Senior Fellow, Oxford Martin School
Bernhard Haslhofer | Group Leader Cryptofinance, Complexity Science Hub & Co-Founder Iknaio Cryptoasset Analytics
Markus Hengstschläger | Head, Center for Pathobiochemistry and Genetics, Medical University of Vienna
Sabine Junginger | Full Professor in Communication Design, Northumbria University, School of Design
Monika Köppl-Turyna | Director, ECO Austria
Mark Leonard | Executive Director, European Council on Foreign Relations
Dominik Markl | Professor of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology, University of Innsbruck
Katja Mayer | Research Associate (Postdoc), Institute for Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna
Josef Mitterer | Former Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Klagenfurt
Manfred Nowak | Secretary General, Global Campus of Human Rights
Barbara Prainsack | Professor for Comparative Policy Analysis, University of Vienna
Michael Reiterer | Professor, Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy, Brussels School of Governance & Ambassador of the European Union ret.
Keywan Riahi | Program Director, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Diemut Schilling | Professor of Drawing and Printmaking, Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences
Veronika Sexl | Rector, University of Innsbruck
Nona Shepphard | Associate Director & Chair of Audition Panel, Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Leena Srivastava | Advisory Council, New Age Makers Institute of Technology (NAMTECH )
Georg Steinhauser | Professor of Applied Radiochemistry, Technical University of Vienna
Katrin Suder | Senior Advisor and Board Member & former State Secretary, German Ministry of Defence
Kavita Surana | Professor of Data Ecosystems and Environmental Accountability, Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Ulrike Tanzer | Head of the Brenner Archive Research Institute, University of Innsbruck
Velina Tchakarova | Founder, FACE For A Conscious Experience
Nathalie Tocci | Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali
Renata Uitz | Senior Research Fellow, Democracy Institute, Central European University
Howard Williamson | Professor of European Youth Policy, Faculty of Business and Creative Industries, University of South Wales
Chairman of the International Advisory Board: Thomas Mayr-Harting
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Jenni Zeller
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Florian Boschek
Representing the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN): Dorotea Neuberg
The International Advisory Board consists of up to 40 internationally recognised personalities from politics, business, science and society. The International Advisory Board advises the Executive Board on programme development and the selection of speakers and supports the association in its networking activities.
Thomas Mayr-Harting, Co-Chair | former EEAS Managing Director, former Ambassador of Austria and the EU to the UN in New York
Arancha González Laya, Co-Chair | Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po/former Foreign Minister of Spain
Catherine Ashton | Former High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and First Vice-President of the European Commission, European Union
Carl Bildt | Co-Chair, European Council on Foreign Relations/former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden
Anna Maria Corazza Bildt | Former Member of the European Parliament
Katja Gentinetta | Philosopher, Author, TV moderator
Eamon Gilmore | Former EU Special Representative for Human Rights, European Union/former Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland
Hermann Hauser | Co-Founder and Venture Partner, Amadeus Capital Partners
Jean-Claude Hollerich | Cardinal, Archbishop of Luxembourg
Wolfgang Ischinger | President, Foundation Council of the Munich Security Conference Foundation
Ivan Krastev | Chairman, Centre for Liberal Strategies/Permanent Fellow, IWM
Miroslav Lajcák | Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues, European Union/former Foreign Minister of Slovakia
Pascal Lamy | Vice-President, Paris Peace Forum/former Director-General, World Trade Organisation
Philippe Narval | Secretary General, Lebenshilfe Österreich
Kasia Pisarska | Founder and Chair, Warsaw Security Forum, Co-Founder and Chair, European Academy of Diplomacy and Casimir Pulaski Foundation
Geneviève Pons | Director General and Vice President, Europe Jacques Delors
Daniel Sachs | Founder and CEO, P Capital Partners/Founder and Chair Daniel Sachs Foundation
Anya Schiffrin | Director of Technology, Media, and Communications, Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs
Martin Selmayr | Ambassador of the European Union to the Holy See, the Sovereign Order of Malta, the UN Organisations in Rome (FAO, WFP, IFAD) and the Republic of San Marino
Bruno Stagno-Ugarte | Chief Advocacy Officer, Human Rights Watch/former Foreign Minister of Costa Rica
Joseph Stiglitz | Economist and Professor, Columbia University/Recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
Cédric Villani | Mathematician/Recipient of the Fields Medal/former French Member of Parliament
Alois von und zu Liechtenstein | Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein
Thomas Wieser | Former President of the Eurogroup Working Group and the European Financial Committee, European Union
Honorary President of the EFA: Franz Fischler
Honorary President of the EFA: Andreas Treichl
Robert Brieger, Chairman | Non-Resident Fellow, Bruegel
Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook | Executive Vice President of the Bertelsmann Stiftung
Franz-Stefan Gady | Associate Fellow for Cyber Power and Future Conflict at the Institute for International Strategic Studies (IISS)
Elisabeth Kornfeind | Director-General for Europe and Economy at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, former Ambassador to Belgium and to NATO
Thomas Mayr-Harting | OSCE Special Representative, former Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations
Antonella Mei-Pochtler | Senior Executive and Advisor, formerly strategy, analysis and planning at the Austrian Federal Chancellery
Jan Farfal | Associate Fellow for Cyber Power and Future Conflict at the Institute for International Strategic Studies (IISS), Representative of the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN)
Coordination: Christoph Girbinger (Programme Manager Security)
Irmgard Griss, Chairwoman | Former President of the Austrian Supreme Court of Justice
Alberto Alemanno | Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law at HEC Paris, Founder of The Good Lobby
Caroline Hornstein-Tomić | Co-founder and Managing partner of THE CIVICS Innovation Hub
Martin Kreutner | Dean Emeritus of the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)
Peter Neumann | Founding Director of the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence
Sophie Pornschlegel | Vice Director at Europe Jacques Delors, Policy Fellow of the Progressive Centre
Barbara Prainsack | Director of the interdisciplinary research platform Governance of Digital Practices
Mariella Rieder | Senior Legal Counsel with special focus on data protection law and AI law at Prewave
Klaus Welle | Former Secretary General of the European Parliament
Mariella Rieder | Representative of the Forum Alpbach Network ( FAN)
Coordination: Péter Hunya (Content Manager Democracy and Rule of Law)
Kirsten Dunlop, Chairwoman | Managing Director of Climate-KIC
Christiane Brunner | Member of the Board of CEOs for Future, former Member of the Austrian Parliament
Irene Giner-Reichl | Former ambassador, co-founder of the Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition
Marie Ringler | Head of Europe, Ashoka
Gernot Wagner | Climate economist, Columbia Business School
Felix Ambros | Co-founder of thinkubator, representative of the Forum Alpbach Network ( FAN)
Coordination: Mirta Surlina (Content Manager Climate)
Burkhard Balz, Chairman | Member, Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank
Gabriel Felbermayr | Director, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
Sabine Herlitschka | CEO, Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Mairead McGuinness | Former EU Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
Andreas Treichl | Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ERSTE Foundation, Honorary President of the EFA
Thomas Wieser | Non-Resident Fellow, Bruegel
Werner Wutscher | Founder and Managing Director, New Venture Scouting
Prosper Mageza | Representative of the Forum Alpbach Network ( FAN)
Coordination: Elke Lerch (Programme Manager Finance & Economy)
Christoph Thun-Hohenstein, Chairman | Cultural manager, curator and author
Jakob Dunkl | Architect, querkraft architectural office
Andrea Grill | Writer and biologist
Marie-Therese Harnoncourt-Fuchs | architect, The Next Enterprise Architects
Winfried Kneip | Founder and Programme Director, Love Politics; represents the Board
Claudia Larcher | Visual artist, film maker, AI researcher and curator
Cornelius Obonya | Actor
Sabine Reiter | Managing Director, mica - Music Austria
Eva-Maria Schitter | Senior Scientist, Mozarteum; represents the Forum Alpbach Network
Georg Schnitzer | Designer, Vandasye Design Office
Elisabeth Schweeger | Artistic Director, Capital of Culture Bad Ischl - Salzkammergut 2024 GmbH
Coordination: Theodora Danek (Content Manager Arts & Culture)
Michaela Fritz, Chairwoman | Vice-Rector MedUni Vienna & Co-Chair SAB
Caroline Hornstein-Tomić | Senior Researcher, Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences, Zagreb; Vorstandsmitglied, THE CIVICS Innovation Hub
Winfried Kneip | Bildungsberater und ehem. Leiter Stiftung Mercator
Katja Mayer | Elise Richter Fellow, Uni Wien
Howard Williamson | Professor, Europäische Jugendpolitik, University of South Wales
Dorotea Neuberg | Forum Alpbach Network ( FAN) Representative
Projektmanagement: Nadine Beisteiner (Content Manager Seminars)
Peter Oberlechner, Chairman | Partner, Wolf Theiss
Othmar Karas | Former First Vice-President of the European Parliament
Winfried Kneip | Education Consultant and former Head of Stiftung Mercator
Birgit Berthold-Kremsner | CMO and Sustainability Executive
Andreas Bierwirth | CEO, Avcon Jet AG
Hubert Cottogni| Director, European Investment Bank Group
Oliver Suchocki | Partner, EY
Rainer Newald | Secretary General, Austrian-American Society
Philipp Berkessy | Owner and CEO, Berkessy Consulting GmbH
Andreas Maierhofer | Lead economic forum D-A-CH @myAbility Social Enterprise, representative of the Forum Alpbach Network ( FAN)
Project management: Annamária Tóth (Head Unit Communities)