Alpbach in Motion

20220828 134100 EFA22 Alpbach in Motion EFA Andrei Pungovschi

5 Feb, 2024


The EFA Leadership Lab: As part of the European Forum Alpbach, Alpbach in Motion (AIM) is a Lab for up to 40 outstanding professionals between the ages 30 to 40, who are willing to shape and transform Europe.


Each year, committed young business leaders, changemakers, policymakers, scientists, artists, and activists commit to a one-of-a-kind leadership experience. By stimulating peer-to-peer learning and out-of-the-box solutions, Alpbach in Motion creates a space for the emergence of reflection and action. At EFA24 - in line with the European Forum Alpbach mission to shape a stronger Europe for the good of all - Alpbach in Motion takes place from 24 to 27 August 2024. Young professionals are encouraged to facilitate change in their industries, ecosystems and the broader social context.

Who can apply?

  • Outstanding professionals between the ages 30 to 40
  • Talents who have great potential to develop and to play an active role in shaping Europe’s future
  • Fluency in English is a must

At EFA, we are committed to building a diverse, intergenerational, and interdisciplinary community to drive ideas for a strong and democratic Europe. When scouting for our programmes, we look to achieve diversity in the candidate pool and actively encourage applications from underrepresented groups. If you identify as belonging to one of these groups, you may indicate this in your motivational statement. We will take it into consideration in our jury assessment.

What to expect?

Alpbach in Motion is a Lab led by an experienced leadership mentor who guides through varied and unexpected hours. The name reflects the programme, meaning that the group is in motion most of the time, on slow-paced hikes or at sessions that activate the mind and body. One AIM alumnus describes it as The settings were shifting between joint discussions, smaller group works, and solitary contemplation. Hiking was used as a very suitable format for transmuting internal reflection to external dialogue and vice versa. All these process steps gave us the opportunity not only to connect the dots, but also to get to know ourselves and each other better – and how to use this for shaping our personal impact.” Read more in the blog post here.

If you are ready to go on an individual and collective leadership journey where your personal learning emerges through the experience and competence of the group, then we look forward to your application!

Programme Benefits

  • Deep dive into new ways of leadership to facilitate change in Europe and beyond.
  • Benefit from an experienced mentor empowering leaders to think in new categories.
  • Learn from and network with 40 outstanding professionals from a wide range of sectors.
  • Meet and connect with internationally renowned experts at eye level.
  • Benefit from exclusive access to Europe in the World Days and Austria in Europe Days to participate in high-level plenary discussions, interactive labs, inspirational hikes, networking events and transformational encounters with unlikely actors.
  • Join the AIM Alumni Club which offers a year-round programme and networking opportunities with like-minded professionals from the previous ten cohorts. Members of the AIM Alumni Club also benefit from a special discount on their future EFA participation.

Programme Schedule

July 2024: virtual onboarding and welcome session incl. preparatory material

24 – 27 August 2024 on-site EFA Leadership Lab journey at the Europe in the World Days

  • 24 August 2024: AIM kick-off session
  • 25 – 27 August 2024: AIM hikes and sessions, incl. joint lunches | Afternoons: participation at EFA main programme | Joint dinners at selected evenings

27 – 30 August 2024: option to prolong stay to Austria in Europe Days

After the EFA24 event: virtual debrief

Participation Fee

Ticket costs: € 2,750.- (incl. 10% VAT)

Scholarships: Alpbach in Motion offers a very limited number of fully sponsored and 50% discounted tickets for outstanding professionals. The candidate applying for a fully sponsored and 50% discounted ticket must indicate their qualification for the ticket category. You are eligible for such ticket if you work for an NGO, academic/educational institution, social enterprise, early-stage start-up, cultural or public institution, or are a private individual whose company cannot afford your ticket.


  • AIM participation
  • exclusive access to Europe in the Wolrd Days (worth € 1,100.-)
  • option to prolong stay to Austria in Europe Days (worth EUR 1,100.-)
  • catering during AIM (joint lunches and selected dinners)
  • room booking assistance: Please note that you may have to change accommodation if you decide to extend your stay to the Austria in Europe Days.
  • invitation to join the AIM Alumni Club, including all-year engagement opportunities and a special discount for future EFA participation

Not included: costs for travel and accommodation

Programme mentors

Jamie Bristow is an expert on the application of inner development and contemplative practices in public life. His work includes influential policy reports such as Reconnection: Meeting the Climate Crisis Inside Out, and he currently leads on public narrative and policy development for the Inner Development Goals, emphasising the inner skills and qualities needed for a sustainable transition. From 2015 to 2023, Jamie played an instrumental role in the UK's All-Party Parliamentary Group on Mindfulness. During this time he worked with legislators around the world to make mindfulness and compassion training serious matters of public policy and catalysts for a healthier political process. He now retains a part-time position with The Mindfulness Initiative leading on sustainability policy.

Pamela von Sabljar has 25 years of experience in leadership, personal development, and behavioral science. She has worked with businesses, public sectors, and private individuals specialising in personal, group, and organisational development. In addition, she
has founded several systemic change projects and leadership programs in advanced self-awareness and self-leadership.

Your EFA Contacts

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Melissa Német

Unit Communities | Stakeholder Manager | Scholarship Programme