Alpbach IDEAS

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13 Jun, 2024


Do you have an idea in mind that will help shape a better Europe? Or do you want to join other bright minds in their aspirations and co-create solutions to pressing challenges? Join Alpbach IDEAS at the European Forum Alpbach 2024!

Alpbach IDEAS is a yearlong journey initiated by the European Forum Alpbach that aims to tackle pressing challenges on a community, societal and global level within the four thematic tracks of the EFA24. In its core the program provides aspiring changemakers and innovators within the Forum Alpbach Network (FAN) and others with a space to experiment, learn and co-create ideas for a more democratic and sustainable Europe while applying systemic perspectives and transformative approaches.

For that matter, Alpbach IDEAS supports its participants through collaborative workshops, ideation tools and methods, access to the EFA network as well as mentorship throughout the year. The aim is to generate visible value along EFA’s four thematic tracks (Climate, Finance and Economy, Security, Democracy and the Rule of Law) and to stir positive long-term effects when the IDEAS become tangible projects.

The one-year cycle of Alpbach IDEAS will be kicked-off at this year’s European Forum Alpbach event with three dynamic IDEAS Camps, where participants will learn how to articulate their visions and aspirations, delve into different approaches to problem-solving, and get the opportunity to put the learned frameworks into practice.

Teams with the most impactful and well-defined IDEAS will participate in three Alpbach IDEAS bootcamps starting in November 2024, receive mentoring and eventually participate in the European Forum Alpbach 2025 event to present their ideas for stronger Europe.

*Alpbach IDEAS is facilitated in cooperation with Pioneers

Start working on your IDEA at the EFA24 event:

  1. Alpbach IDEAS Kick-off on 24 August in Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
  2. Alpbach IDEAS Info Point from 25 to 27 August in Volksschule
  3. Alpbach IDEAS Camps on 28 and 29 August in Volksschule

Why join Alpbach IDEAS?

You were always passionate about solving a particular challenge in order to foster sustainable change? You just don’t know where to start? Or you always wanted to create sustainable impact, but are lacking an idea? Alpbach IDEAS is your opportunity to build or join a team of talents from around the globe and to start working on a more sustainable and democratic Europe. Alpbach IDEAS will support you with collaborative workshops, access to ideation tools and methods, access to the EFA network as well as mentorship.

Who can join Alpbach IDEAS?

Participation in the Alpbach IDEAS programme is open to every participant of the EFA24 annual event, including scholarship holders and participants of the Lab Days module. There is no age limit. Whether working independently, collaboratively, or originating the idea during the EFA event, Alpbach IDEAS is open to diverse ways of participation. We strongly believe that the participants will benefit from collaborating with stakeholders of different disciplines and backgrounds for their IDEA realisation.

Which IDEAS qualify?

Participants do not need to have a pre-defined IDEA to join the program, but rather a genuine passion and ambition to help solving some of the most pressing challenges of our time. We welcome a broad range of IDEAS that generate meaningful impact within the framework of any of the four EFA thematic tracks (Climate, Finance and Economy, Security, Democracy and the Rule of Law). IDEAS can be of entrepreneurial nature but can equally encompass non-profit initiatives or other endeavours. We focus on IDEAS in their very early stages.

What happens after the EFA24 event?

All Alpbach IDEAS Teams that were formed during the IDEAS Camps at the EFA24 annual event will be invited to hand in a structured version of their IDEA together with a short video reel that will be published on EFA’s social media channels. A jury will then carefully assess the IDEAS, which are also subject to public voting. Those IDEAS and the teams that are awarded the highest points will be invited to join the Alpbach IDEAS bootcamps from November 2024 to April 2025 and receive mentoring throughout the process.

Your EFA contact

Please email Nadine Beisteiner at