11 Dec, 2023
"Bold Europe" on video: We have captured the most memorable moments and experiences from the 2023 EFA event.
28 Aug, 2023
Support and expertise from Brussels shape the thematic tracks of the EFA and provide valuable impetus from the heart of Europe.
23 Aug, 2023
The annual event would not be possible without the numerous people who make it happen. A look behind the scenes of EFA23…
10 Aug, 2023
This year’s event in Alpbach will take the Forum’s aspirations to limit its carbon footprint a step further with a comprehensive mobility concept, green meeting standards, and food service that is less harmful for environment and climate.
6 Sep, 2022
Inights, analysis, background information. During EFA22 our video team interviewed a couple of exciting speakers and asked them about their opinions and experiences.
Close to 3,800 participants from around 100 nations, among them 600 scholarship holders, took part in the 2022 European Forum Alpbach – which took place from 21 August to 2 September and was dedicated to the New Europe.
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