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30 Jul, 2024

Under the theme "Moment of Truth," the European Forum Alpbach will take place in the last two weeks of August this year.

Around 4,000 participants are expected, including government representatives from across Europe (President of Montenegro Jakov Milatović, President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani, Polish Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar, German State Minister for Europe and Climate Anna Lührmann, Czech Minister of Industry and Trade Jozef Sikela, among others), representatives of the Austrian federal government and political parties (Vice-Chancellor Werner Kogler, Ministers Alexander Schallenberg, Karoline Edtstadler, Magnus Brunner, Alma Zadić, Norbert Totschnig, Leonore Gewessler, Johannes Rauch, Martin Kocher, as well as party leaders Andreas Babler and Beate Meinl-Reisinger), Tyrolean Governor Anton Mattle, representatives from academia (such as Nobel laureates Joseph Stiglitz and Anton Zeilinger, and Martin Hetzer), representatives from European and international think tanks, international and EU institutions, climate experts, numerous CEOs, as well as 400 international scholarship holders, and many more.

The full program is here available.

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European Forum Alpbach

Date: August 17 to 30, 2024 (Tirol Day on August 18, "Europe in the World" from August 24, Austria in Europe from August 27)

Venue: Congress Centrum Alpbach, Alpbach 246, 6236 Alpbach

Accreditation at All information at Press.

The EFA24 consists of five modules, including:

Euregio Days (August 17-20)

The Euregio Days focus on people from the European region of Tyrol/South Tyrol/Trentino. During these days, outstanding research and innovation will be recognized. Tirol Day on August 18 offers a highlight, featuring the governors of the European region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino: Anton Mattle (Tyrol), Maurizio Fugatti (Trentino), and Arno Kompatscher (South Tyrol) - 9 am: Holy Mass, 10 am: Traditional Reception, 11 am: Euregio Summit on Artificial Intelligence

Europe in the World Days (August 24-27)

European decision-makers from politics, business, science, and culture will meet in Alpbach to discuss various topics in innovative formats. For the opening on August 24, Pope Francis (via live video), José Manuel Barroso, and Joschka Fischer have confirmed their participation. Further interesting discussions include:

  • August 25:

Financing the Green Transition (with Ralph Hamers, Kirsten Dunlop, Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Stefan Dörfler, among others)

Future of European Security Policy (with Tobias Gehrke, Sabine Herlitschka, Svenja Hahn, Jeromin Zettelmeyer, among others)

Radicalization in Politics (with Ivan Krastev, Janka Oertel, Alberto Alemanno, among others)

Avoiding Economic Inequality (with Joseph E. Stiglitz, Gabriel Felbermayr, Moritz Schularick, among others)

  • August 26:

Future Enlargement Policy (with Jakov Milatović, Cristina Gherasimov, Karoline Edtstadler, among others)

Strategic Sovereignty in Europe (with Alexander Schallenberg, Arancha González Laya, Carl Bildt, among others)

  • August 27:

Analysis of the Last Cycle of the EU Commission and Outlook for the Next (with Enrico Letta, Jim Cloos, Sophie Pornschlegl, among others)

Austria in Europe Days (August 27-30)

These days traditionally mark the start of the political season in Austria. The focus is on Austria's role in Europe, European security, climate change, and automation. The opening will feature IAEA Secretary General Rafael Grossi, climate activist Luisa Neubauer, and ISTA President Martin Hetzer. Other highlights include discussions on:

  • August 28:

Far-Right Narratives (with Othmar Karas, Anna Lührmann, among others)

Democratic Backsliding and the Challenge of Re-Democratization (with Adam Bodnar, Alma Zadić, Jovana Spremo, among others)

Europe's Scale-Up Challenge (with Lucanus Polagnoli, Daniela Buchmayr, Hans Unterdorfer, among others)

  • August 29:

Climate Debate: State vs. Market (with Sebastian Heinzel, Johannes Kopf, Alice Schmidt, among others)

  • August 30:

"Elephant Round" on European Politics with the top candidates of the national parliamentary parties

About the Forum Alpbach

Since 1945, the Forum has brought together leading figures from politics, science, business, and the arts to address Europe's and the world's most pressing challenges beyond ideological and generational boundaries. In a time of political and economic uncertainty, this exchange is particularly relevant.