The EFA24 Labs

20230826 103611 efa23 Rebuilding and Reuniting Ukrainec EFA Marko Risovic

6 Aug, 2024


Curated groups work together for two full days: They develop new ideas and innovative approaches on specific topics. A high level of expertise and professional guidance make Lab participants dive deep, co-create and build networks for future action.

The EFA Labs are designed to create interdisciplinary communities for a strong and democratic Europe. Taking place in form of a closed and well-selected group, each Lab consists of around 30 participants who contribute their knowledge and in turn benefit from the expertise of their peers. From 22 to 24 August they envision solutions to a pre-defined issue along one of the four thematic tracks of the European Forum Alpbach. Persons from diverse fields of activity are chosen by the EFA and its partner organisations: policy makers, scientists, civil society, business – to name but a few. A Lab’s broad team composition allows for tackling important questions from different perspectives, resulting in cross-cutting alliances in the realms of climate (CLI), finance and economy (FIN), security (SEC), democracy and the rule of law (DEM). A Lab’s goal is laying the foundations for strategic cooperation and a joint process that takes effect far beyond the EFA event.

See what this year's Labs cover:

Boosting the Entrepreneurial Growth Cycle - through Capital Markets

Participants discuss the challenges and opportunities of mobilising different sources of finance for the successful growth of innovative companies in Europe. The aim of this Lab is to develop a concrete proposal with measures and strategies to address the structural barriers that hamper Europe's entrepreneurial ecosystem. A formal proposal will be presented to politicians and decision makers shortly after the European Forum Alpbach 2024 event.

10x100 Cities Lab - Healthy from the Ground up: Soil, Food, People & Systems

Representatives from the cities of Mannheim (Germany), Zurich (Switzerland) and Linz (Austria) develop partnership-based policy approaches for the democratisation of large-scale and long-term social projects. The aim of the Lab is to identify, strengthen and utilise transformation potential in cities through the lens of the food system. The ultimate goal of the process of the three pilot cities will be to expand their systemic capacity to deal with complexity and foster learning communities. This Lab is supported by Mercator Switzerland Foundation. Read more

Climate Opportunity Leaders Lab

Leaders and experts from multiple sectors, generations and disciplines strive to mobilise individuals, organisations and sectors towards collective climate action. Designed around the principle of emergence, the participants learn from each other, and encourage cross-pollination, multiple perspectives and systems transformation. This year in its third edition, the Lab is facilitated by Ilana Wetzler, transformational coach, and Pip Wheaton, Planet & Climate lead at Ashoka. This Lab is supported by Treehouse Giving.

European Sovereignty in Security and Defence

Policy makers, business leaders as well as civil and military experts discuss the way forward for European defence. After defining the immediate needs and priorities as well as Europe’s aspiration in terms of strategic sovereignty, they elaborate ways to build a real common European defence market and a dual use technology ecosystem. Finally, the Lab also explores how to finance investments in Europe’s Defence Technological and Industrial Base.

Fortifying Futures: A Lab of Action on Transforming Pension Systems for a Secure Financial Tomorrow

Organised in cooperation with ERSTE Stiftung, this Lab focuses on learnings from proven pension systems, exploring the role of capital markets in strengthening a more robust and resilient Europe, and uncovering opportunities to improve the Austrian pension system. Alongside the exchange of knowledge, the Lab will culminate in a set of recommendations for strengthening the pension system (in Austria), which will be presented to politicians and decision makers on site. This Lab is supported by ERSTE Foundation.

Responsible Leadership – Business, Civil Society & Politics: Partners in Changing Times

The coronavirus pandemic has revealed how many people are susceptible to conspiracy narratives. The internet has become vital for everyday life, but users often lack knowledge and skills for a good debate culture and do not handle information confidently. This Lab looks at the role of the workplace and devises trainings for employers and employees to be able to detect and counter hate and fake news. Because strengthening liberal democracy and making it resilient is a task for all parts of society, including the economy. This Lab is supported by Robert Bosch Foundation.

Unravelling Russia's Informational Warfare: Tactics, Implications, and Countermeasures

In an era where misinformation and propaganda shape perceptions and influence global events, understanding the mechanisms behind these tactics is paramount. As Russia has mastered the art of hybrid warfare and misinformation, the Lab will unravel the intricate web of Russia’s informational warfare and its impact on our societies. First, it will dissect the Russian narratives surrounding Ukraine, exploring the impact of Russian propaganda on global perceptions. Next, participants will examine Russian campaigns targeting the rest of the world and the implications of these campaigns. Finally, the Lab will scrutinise Russian influence operations within Western countries, focusing particularly on election campaigns. Through an in-depth analysis of Russia's information warfare tactics in various contexts, the Lab aims to produce actionable policy recommendations to effectively counter Russian disinformation, equipping policy-makers and citizens with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate this complex landscape of informational warfare.

FutureCrafting the Balkans: From Hope to Action

Recent complex events and processes have reshaped Europe and the broader global landscape. The Balkans require us to consider our role in shaping a narrative of prosperity and in creating a counterculture when established value systems are failing. In the current scenario, the region must become active and has to acknowledge that progress requires more than just awareness. The challenge lies in breaking away from the observing role and fostering a narrative rooted in internal efforts, untapped resources, and inherent capacities. The canvas is vast, inviting innovative strategies that redefine the region's trajectory, showcasing resilience and self-sufficiency. It's a call to action, challenging conventional norms and inspiring a collective movement towards a future of self-determination and ingenuity. This Lab is supported by ERSTE Stiftung.

Alpbach in Motion 2024 – the EFA Leadership Lab

As part of the European Forum Alpbach, Alpbach in Motion (AIM) is a Lab for up to 40 outstanding professionals between the ages of 30 to 40, who are willing to shape and transform Europe. Committed young business leaders, changemakers, policymakers, scientists, artists, activists, and more, commit to a one-of-a-kind leadership experience. By stimulating peer-to-peer learning and out-of-the-box solutions, Alpbach in Motion creates a space for the emergence of reflection and action. In line with the European Forum Alpbach mission to shape a stronger Europe for the good of all, Alpbach in Motion takes place from 24 to 27 August and encourages its professionals to facilitate change in their industries, ecosystems and the broader social context.

The mentors of this year's AIM24 cohort are Jamie Bristow (mindfulness, inner development, contemplative practices) and Pamela von Sabljar (leadership, personal development, behavioural science). More information

Circular Economy in the Construction Industry

From 24 to 27 August (during the Europe in the World Days), participants identify systemic bottlenecks that are holding back the green transformation in the construction sector, and generate ideas for effectively overcoming them. The Lab takes an exemplary look at the challenges faced by STRABAG as the largest construction company in Austria. By bringing together participants from a wide range of perspectives, the Lab will contribute to strengthening likely and unlikely alliances to achieve transformation in the construction industry and will seek to generate EU policy recommendations for an according transformation across the industry. This Lab is supported by STRABAG.

Hackathon on Financial and Economic Literacy

From 27 to 30 August (during the Austria in Europe Days), the Lab explores how financial literacy can empower women and socio-economically disadvantaged groups. Participants will engage in hands-on collaboration and develop national and international projects in an interdisciplinary setting. Projects are expected to address a specific growth challenge and to work closely with experts. In addition to intellectual stimulation, the Hackathon offers substantial rewards. Two outstanding projects will receive a prize of € 5,000 each. The Hackathon is organised in cooperation with MEGA Bildungsstiftung and the Liechtenstein Group.