EFA24 Fotos

20230831 112613 efa23 CLI more green less grey realising innovatiove urban neighbourhoods to prevent overheated cities c EFA Philipp Huber

16 Aug., 2024


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EFA24 - 30. August

20240830 093405 efa24 STAGE Lead Candidates Debate on Austrias Role in Europe Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 093405 efa24 STAGE Lead Candidates Debate on Austrias Role in Europe Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 094027 efa24 STAGE Lead Candidates Debate on Austrias Role in Europe Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 094027 efa24 STAGE Lead Candidates Debate on Austrias Role in Europe Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

EFA24 - 29. August

240829 112321 CHAT Tomorrow Today Liveable Future c EFA Ioana Cirlig

240829 112321 CHAT Tomorrow Today Liveable Future c EFA Ioana Cirlig

240829 092048 efa24 rethinking wealth taxation lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240829 092048 efa24 rethinking wealth taxation lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240829 151642 efa24 art utopia build a box lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240829 151642 efa24 art utopia build a box lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

EFA24 - 28. August

20240828 124016 efa24 NETWORK Brown Bag Lunch Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240828 124016 efa24 NETWORK Brown Bag Lunch Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240828 153741 efa24 hike understand forces of nature experience disaster prevention lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240828 153741 efa24 hike understand forces of nature experience disaster prevention lores c EFA Philipp Huber

240828 171251 efa24 countering far right narratives lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240828 171251 efa24 countering far right narratives lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

EFA24 - 27. August

240827 092533 efa24 AIM Feuerwehrhaus lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240827 092533 efa24 AIM Feuerwehrhaus lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

20240827 095225 efa24 closing europe in the world days lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240827 095225 efa24 closing europe in the world days lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240827 160248 efa24 PRIDE Alpbach Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240827 160248 efa24 PRIDE Alpbach Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

EFA24 - 26. August

240826 082247 efa24 art lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240826 082247 efa24 art lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240826 124519 efa24 brown bag lunch live podcast die presse lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240826 124519 efa24 brown bag lunch live podcast die presse lores c EFA Philipp Huber

240826 142048 efa24 hike war in ukraine lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240826 142048 efa24 hike war in ukraine lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240826 114352 Forming Alliances c EFA Ioana Cirlig

240826 114352 Forming Alliances c EFA Ioana Cirlig

20240826 145142 efa24 ART campaign for the future lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240826 145142 efa24 ART campaign for the future lores c EFA Philipp Huber

240826 145605 efa24 state sponsored disinformation lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240826 145605 efa24 state sponsored disinformation lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

EFA24 - 25. August

20240825 081810 efa24 morning briefing President KOS Vjosa Osmani Sadriu Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240825 081810 efa24 morning briefing President KOS Vjosa Osmani Sadriu Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

240825 123955 efa24 brown bag lunch barroso hahn lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240825 123955 efa24 brown bag lunch barroso hahn lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

20240825 131902 efa24 young voices lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240825 131902 efa24 young voices lores c EFA Philipp Huber

EFA24 - 24. August

240824 104155 efa24 alpbach ideas lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240824 104155 efa24 alpbach ideas lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240824 143859 efa24 sem international bazar lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240824 143859 efa24 sem international bazar lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240824 140537 efa24 1 wow networking hour c EFA Ioana Cirlig

240824 140537 efa24 1 wow networking hour c EFA Ioana Cirlig

20240824 165547 efa24 opening Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240824 165547 efa24 opening Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240824 100122 efa24 LAB climate opportunity leaders lab lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240824 100122 efa24 LAB climate opportunity leaders lab lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240824 170840 efa24 opening Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240824 170840 efa24 opening Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

EFA24 - 23. August

20240823 092715 efa24 LAB boosting the entrepreneurial growth cycle through capital markets lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240823 092715 efa24 LAB boosting the entrepreneurial growth cycle through capital markets lores c EFA Philipp Huber

240823 121644 efa24 security and defence lo res c EFA Ioana Cirlig

240823 121644 efa24 security and defence lo res c EFA Ioana Cirlig

20240823 100647 efa24 LAB Responsible Leadership Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240823 100647 efa24 LAB Responsible Leadership Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240823 155347 efa24 SEM Line of Departure Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240823 155347 efa24 SEM Line of Departure Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

240823 201114 efa24 sem closing lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240823 201114 efa24 sem closing lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240823 201125 efa24 all around lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240823 201125 efa24 all around lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

EFA24 - 22. August

240822 104323 efa24 sem reinventing democracy lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240822 104323 efa24 sem reinventing democracy lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240822 101422 efa24 SEM The Unfolding Space Revolution Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240822 101422 efa24 SEM The Unfolding Space Revolution Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240822 115605 efa24 SEM Engaging AI for Democracy and Social Good Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240822 115605 efa24 SEM Engaging AI for Democracy and Social Good Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

240822 205447 efa24 first time kosovo lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240822 205447 efa24 first time kosovo lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240822 203017 efa24 LAB Welcome Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240822 203017 efa24 LAB Welcome Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240822 205214 efa24 LAB Welcome Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240822 205214 efa24 LAB Welcome Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

EFA24 - 21. August

240821 111537 efa24 sem model UN session lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240821 111537 efa24 sem model UN session lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240821 160156 efa24 a place of safety lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240821 160156 efa24 a place of safety lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240821 160938 efa24 SEM Line of Departure Leadership and Decision Hi Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240821 160938 efa24 SEM Line of Departure Leadership and Decision Hi Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240821 204058 efa24 international evening lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240821 204058 efa24 international evening lores c EFA Philipp Huber

240821 105756 efa24 sem model UN session lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240821 105756 efa24 sem model UN session lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240821 095015 efa24 SEM Engaging AI for Democracy and Social Good Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240821 095015 efa24 SEM Engaging AI for Democracy and Social Good Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

EFA24 - 20. August

240820 110524 efa24 accelerating green and digital innovations c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240820 110524 efa24 accelerating green and digital innovations c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240820 103643 efa24 SEM The Indo Pacific Free Open Prosperous Secure and Resilient for Whom Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240820 103643 efa24 SEM The Indo Pacific Free Open Prosperous Secure and Resilient for Whom Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240820 140615 efa24 RIT Open Your Mind Inhabit the Future Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240820 140615 efa24 RIT Open Your Mind Inhabit the Future Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240820 203902 efa24 FANC speed friending lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240820 203902 efa24 FANC speed friending lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240820 170533 efa24 SEM Creating an Ensemble Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240820 170533 efa24 SEM Creating an Ensemble Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240820 095916 efa24 SEM The Past Present and Future of Economic Development and Global Inequalities Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240820 095916 efa24 SEM The Past Present and Future of Economic Development and Global Inequalities Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

EFA24 - 19. August

20240819 120044 efa24 SEM geopolitical shifts and the global south navigating a new risk reward lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240819 120044 efa24 SEM geopolitical shifts and the global south navigating a new risk reward lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240819 11401305 efa24 sem reinventing democracy lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240819 11401305 efa24 sem reinventing democracy lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240819 16204096 efa24 sem finance unleashed lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240819 16204096 efa24 sem finance unleashed lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240819 17220674 efa24 sem woodland dialogues lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240819 17220674 efa24 sem woodland dialogues lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240819 170223 efa24 SEM innovation and green changemaking lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240819 170223 efa24 SEM innovation and green changemaking lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240819 133640 efa24 SEM Open Your Mind Share your EFA story Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240819 133640 efa24 SEM Open Your Mind Share your EFA story Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

EFA24 - 18. August

20240818 15315564 efa24 euregio picnic europe after elections lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240818 15315564 efa24 euregio picnic europe after elections lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240818 15210171 efa24 euregio picnic europe after elections lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240818 15210171 efa24 euregio picnic europe after elections lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240818 185717 efa24 welcome of scholarship holders lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240818 185717 efa24 welcome of scholarship holders lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240818 174948 efa24 welcome of scholarship holders lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240818 174948 efa24 welcome of scholarship holders lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240818 111654 efa24 tyrol day opening lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240818 111654 efa24 tyrol day opening lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240818 180228 efa24 welcome of scholarship holders lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240818 180228 efa24 welcome of scholarship holders lores c EFA Philipp Huber

EFA24 - 17. August

20240817 11140222 efa24 euregio innovation award lores c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240817 11140222 efa24 euregio innovation award lores c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240817 16105650 efa24 all around lores c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240817 16105650 efa24 all around lores c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240817 133050 efa24 all around lores c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240817 133050 efa24 all around lores c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240817 171715 efa24 euregio award prize giving lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240817 171715 efa24 euregio award prize giving lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240818 075859 efa24 loggia lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240818 075859 efa24 loggia lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240817 180207 efa24 euregio award prize giving lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240817 180207 efa24 euregio award prize giving lores c EFA Philipp Huber