
Alpbach is a place for those who want to change Europe for the better, and for those who can do it.

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DSC 8572 web c Elisabeth Mandl 3

Andreas Berger

Unit Communications | Head of Unit

DSC 8843 web c Elisabeth Mandl

Christina Taferner

Unit Communications | PR Managerin

EFA DSC9567 web c Elisabeth Mandl

Anna Fister

Unit Communications | Praktikantin "Kommunikation und Medienarbeit"

Foto Download

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Othmar Karas, Präsident EFA

Othmar Karas, Präsident EFA

Caroline Hornstein Tomić, Board Member Foundation

Caroline Hornstein Tomić, Board Member Foundation

Christian Kern, Vizepräsident Verein

Christian Kern, Vizepräsident Verein

Winfried Kneip, Vorstandsmitglied Stiftung

Winfried Kneip, Vorstandsmitglied Stiftung

Antonella Mei Pochtler, Vizepräsidentin Stiftung

Antonella Mei Pochtler, Vizepräsidentin Stiftung

Marie Ringler, Vizepräsidentin Verein

Marie Ringler, Vizepräsidentin Verein

Klaus Welle, Vorstandsmitglied Stiftung

Klaus Welle, Vorstandsmitglied Stiftung

Klaudie Mrkusovà, Vorstandsmitglied Verein (FAN-Vertreterin)

Klaudie Mrkusovà, Vorstandsmitglied Verein (FAN-Vertreterin)

Jenni Zeller, Vorstandsmitglied Verein (FAN-Vertreterin)

Jenni Zeller, Vorstandsmitglied Verein (FAN-Vertreterin)

EFA General

Alpbach Village

Alpbach Village

Alpbach Community

Alpbach Community

Alpbach Village

Alpbach Village

Loggia Chat

Loggia Chat

EFA in the Mountains

EFA in the Mountains

People under Tree of Thinkers

People under Tree of Thinkers

Alpbach Landscape

Alpbach Landscape

EFA Thinkers

EFA Thinkers

Fireside Chat Stiglitz

Fireside Chat Stiglitz

Alpbach In Motion Hike

Alpbach In Motion Hike

Fireside Talk Alma Zadic

Fireside Talk Alma Zadic

Alpbach Leg Landscape

Alpbach Leg Landscape

The Climate Opportunity

The Climate Opportunity

Tree of Thinkers

Tree of Thinkers

Scholarship Holders

Scholarship Holders

Scholarship Holders in the Village

Scholarship Holders in the Village

Alpbach in Motion

Alpbach in Motion

Alpbach Landscape

Alpbach Landscape

Alpbach Mountains

Alpbach Mountains

EFA24 | Highlights

20240830 094057 efa24 STAGE Lead Candidates Debate on Austrias Role in Europe Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 094057 efa24 STAGE Lead Candidates Debate on Austrias Role in Europe Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 104200 efa24 STAGE Lead Candidates Debate on Austrias Role in Europe Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 104200 efa24 STAGE Lead Candidates Debate on Austrias Role in Europe Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 094117 efa24 STAGE Lead Candidates Debate on Austrias Role in Europe Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 094117 efa24 STAGE Lead Candidates Debate on Austrias Role in Europe Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 110326 efa24 HAPPENING EFA24 Farewell Brunch Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 110326 efa24 HAPPENING EFA24 Farewell Brunch Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 104634 efa24 HAPPENING EFA24 Farewell Brunch Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240830 104634 efa24 HAPPENING EFA24 Farewell Brunch Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

240829 193507 efa24 all around lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240829 193507 efa24 all around lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240829 100237 efa24 CHAT Media Moments of Truth Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240829 100237 efa24 CHAT Media Moments of Truth Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

240829 125445 efa24 brown bag lunch lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240829 125445 efa24 brown bag lunch lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240828 153741 efa24 hike understand forces of nature experience disaster prevention lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240828 153741 efa24 hike understand forces of nature experience disaster prevention lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240828 123516 efa24 NETWORK Brown Bag Lunch Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240828 123516 efa24 NETWORK Brown Bag Lunch Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

240828 171251 efa24 countering far right narratives lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240828 171251 efa24 countering far right narratives lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240827 141616 Brown Bag Ian Goldin Zeit c EFA Ioana Cirlig

240827 141616 Brown Bag Ian Goldin Zeit c EFA Ioana Cirlig

20240827 144945 efa24 PRIDE Alpbach Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240827 144945 efa24 PRIDE Alpbach Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240826 143051 efa24 HIKE Supporting a Balanced and Sustainable Diet Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240826 143051 efa24 HIKE Supporting a Balanced and Sustainable Diet Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

240826 082106 efa24 art lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240826 082106 efa24 art lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240825 092750 efa24 hike no nature no business lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240825 092750 efa24 hike no nature no business lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240825 130027 efa24 brown bag lunch barroso hahn lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240825 130027 efa24 brown bag lunch barroso hahn lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

20240825 081045 efa24 morning briefing President KOS Vjosa Osmani Sadriu Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240825 081045 efa24 morning briefing President KOS Vjosa Osmani Sadriu Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

240824 165437 efa24 opening europe in the world days lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240824 165437 efa24 opening europe in the world days lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240824 171201 efa24 opening europe in the world days lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240824 171201 efa24 opening europe in the world days lo res c EFA Marko Risovic

240824 144733 efa24 sem international bazar lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240824 144733 efa24 sem international bazar lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240823 154859 efa24 SEM Line of Departure Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240823 154859 efa24 SEM Line of Departure Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240823 102410 efa24 SEM Anything Goes Truth and Progress in Science and Society Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240823 102410 efa24 SEM Anything Goes Truth and Progress in Science and Society Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240823 184310 efa24 CHAT Alberto Alemanno Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240823 184310 efa24 CHAT Alberto Alemanno Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240823 103016 efa24 SEM Anything Goes Truth and Progress in Science and Society Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240823 103016 efa24 SEM Anything Goes Truth and Progress in Science and Society Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

240822 205845 efa24 first time kosovo lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240822 205845 efa24 first time kosovo lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240822 114920 efa24 SEM Engaging AI for Democracy and Social Good Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240822 114920 efa24 SEM Engaging AI for Democracy and Social Good Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

240822 104227 efa24 sem reinventing democracy lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240822 104227 efa24 sem reinventing democracy lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240822 114428 efa24 SEM Engaging AI for Democracy and Social Good Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240822 114428 efa24 SEM Engaging AI for Democracy and Social Good Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240821 154924 efa24 SEM Line of Departure Leadership and Decision Hi Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240821 154924 efa24 SEM Line of Departure Leadership and Decision Hi Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240821 210501 efa24 international evening lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240821 210501 efa24 international evening lores c EFA Philipp Huber

240821 111537 efa24 sem model UN session lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240821 111537 efa24 sem model UN session lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240821 100006 efa24 SEM Anything Goes Truth and Progress in Science and Society Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240821 100006 efa24 SEM Anything Goes Truth and Progress in Science and Society Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

240820 165505 efa24 sem unravelling reality lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

240820 165505 efa24 sem unravelling reality lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240819 155531 efa24 SEM Creating an Ensemble Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240819 155531 efa24 SEM Creating an Ensemble Low Res c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20240818 175048 efa24 welcome of scholarship holders lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240818 175048 efa24 welcome of scholarship holders lores c EFA Philipp Huber

20240818 15083994 efa24 euregio picnic europe after elections lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240818 15083994 efa24 euregio picnic europe after elections lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240818 11132676 efa24 tyrol day lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240818 11132676 efa24 tyrol day lo res c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240817 16025762 efa24 all around lores c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20240817 16025762 efa24 all around lores c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

EFA23 | Highlights

20230826 185046 Empowering the Youth Through Sustainable Financial Education c EFA Bogdan Baraghin

20230826 185046 Empowering the Youth Through Sustainable Financial Education c EFA Bogdan Baraghin

20230821 105208 efa23 SEM Global Trade Sanctions and Weaponisation of Trade c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230821 105208 efa23 SEM Global Trade Sanctions and Weaponisation of Trade c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230821 113154 efa23 SEM Just Climate Transition or the Energy Race Towards Net Zero Emissionsc EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230821 113154 efa23 SEM Just Climate Transition or the Energy Race Towards Net Zero Emissionsc EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230821 172101 efa23 SEM Financial Planning How to Become Financially Literate c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230821 172101 efa23 SEM Financial Planning How to Become Financially Literate c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230821 163826 efa23 SEM a deep dive into the global fashion industry EFA Philipp Huber

20230821 163826 efa23 SEM a deep dive into the global fashion industry EFA Philipp Huber

20230823 161739 efa23 SEM AOR area of responsibility action over reaction c EFA Philipp Huber

20230823 161739 efa23 SEM AOR area of responsibility action over reaction c EFA Philipp Huber

20230825 092644 efa23 creative writing experiment and investigate c EFA Philipp Huber

20230825 092644 efa23 creative writing experiment and investigate c EFA Philipp Huber

20230825 111727 efa23 LAB Civic Foresight Lab c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230825 111727 efa23 LAB Civic Foresight Lab c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230825 120238 efa23 MEGA hackathon on financial economic literacy c EFA Philipp Huber

20230825 120238 efa23 MEGA hackathon on financial economic literacy c EFA Philipp Huber

20230825 131719 efa23 fridays for future c EFA Philipp Huber

20230825 131719 efa23 fridays for future c EFA Philipp Huber

20230825 145246 efa23 From Start up to Scale up in Europe c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230825 145246 efa23 From Start up to Scale up in Europe c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230825 150752 efa23 CLI cities as democratic innovators for climate c EFA Philipp Huber

20230825 150752 efa23 CLI cities as democratic innovators for climate c EFA Philipp Huber

20230825 164013 efa23 ART fractured futures guided tour c EFA Philipp Huber

20230825 164013 efa23 ART fractured futures guided tour c EFA Philipp Huber

20230826 154256 efa23 High Polluters c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230826 154256 efa23 High Polluters c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230826 160951 efa23 stiftungshike c EFA Philipp Huber

20230826 160951 efa23 stiftungshike c EFA Philipp Huber

20230826 171119 efa23 Why Women Should Run the World c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230826 171119 efa23 Why Women Should Run the World c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230826 212459 efa23 international day c EFA Philipp Huber

20230826 212459 efa23 international day c EFA Philipp Huber

20230827 102900 efa23 general assembley FAN c EFA Philipp Huber

20230827 102900 efa23 general assembley FAN c EFA Philipp Huber

20230827 145211 efa23 pridec EFA Marko Risovic

20230827 145211 efa23 pridec EFA Marko Risovic

20230827 162319 efa23 RADA Which Futurec EFA Marko Risovic

20230827 162319 efa23 RADA Which Futurec EFA Marko Risovic

20230827 16310254 efa23 opening europe in the world days c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230827 16310254 efa23 opening europe in the world days c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230827 16413639 efa23 opening europe in the world days c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230827 16413639 efa23 opening europe in the world days c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230827 17251863 efa23 opening europe in the world days c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230827 17251863 efa23 opening europe in the world days c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230828 090728 efa23 Smash Patriarchy Reduce Emissions c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230828 090728 efa23 Smash Patriarchy Reduce Emissions c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230828 102655 efa23 use of ai disrupting democracy c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230828 102655 efa23 use of ai disrupting democracy c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230828 102704 efa23 use of ai disrupting democracy c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230828 102704 efa23 use of ai disrupting democracy c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230828 160458 efa23 Fractured Futures Arts Opening c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230828 160458 efa23 Fractured Futures Arts Opening c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230828 171953 Grow Green Digital Which Role for Capital Markets c EFA Bogdan Baraghin

20230828 171953 Grow Green Digital Which Role for Capital Markets c EFA Bogdan Baraghin

20230828 172426 efa23 United but Alone c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230828 172426 efa23 United but Alone c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230828 172859 Grow Green Digital Which Role for Capital Markets c EFA Bogdan Baraghin

20230828 172859 Grow Green Digital Which Role for Capital Markets c EFA Bogdan Baraghin

20230829 141503 efa23 Using the E Us Market Power c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230829 141503 efa23 Using the E Us Market Power c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230830 101321 efa23 The Lack of Economic Opportunity Is Eroding Democracyc EFA Marko Risovic

20230830 101321 efa23 The Lack of Economic Opportunity Is Eroding Democracyc EFA Marko Risovic

20230830 160941 efa23 Austria in Europec EFA Marko Risovic

20230830 160941 efa23 Austria in Europec EFA Marko Risovic

20230830 161006 efa23 Austria in Europec EFA Marko Risovic

20230830 161006 efa23 Austria in Europec EFA Marko Risovic

20230901 090057 efa23 Sustainable Health Systems for an Aging Population c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230901 090057 efa23 Sustainable Health Systems for an Aging Population c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

20230901 123559 efa23 Brown Bag Lunchc EFA Marko Risovic

20230901 123559 efa23 Brown Bag Lunchc EFA Marko Risovic

20230901 130552 efa23 Brown Bag Lunchc EFA Marko Risovic

20230901 130552 efa23 Brown Bag Lunchc EFA Marko Risovic

20230901 190425 efa23 CLI pitch visions for a bold europe c EFA Philipp Huber

20230901 190425 efa23 CLI pitch visions for a bold europe c EFA Philipp Huber

20230827 16523387 efa23 opening europe in the world days c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20230827 16523387 efa23 opening europe in the world days c EFA Andrei Pungovschi

EFA22 | Highlights

20220831 205951 efa22 concert rina kacinari and maria craffonara EFA Philipp Huber

20220831 205951 efa22 concert rina kacinari and maria craffonara EFA Philipp Huber

20220830 071955 efa22 schafalm EFA Daniela Koeppl

20220830 071955 efa22 schafalm EFA Daniela Koeppl

20220829 204528 Speakers Night EFA Andrei Pungovschi B

20220829 204528 Speakers Night EFA Andrei Pungovschi B

20220829 151152 efa22 hike what military capabilities does europe need EFA Philipp Huber

20220829 151152 efa22 hike what military capabilities does europe need EFA Philipp Huber

20220829 122822 Brown Bag Lunch EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220829 122822 Brown Bag Lunch EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220828 180503 efa22 crises failing to see the long term wood for the short term trees EFA Philipp Huber

20220828 180503 efa22 crises failing to see the long term wood for the short term trees EFA Philipp Huber

20220828 173907 Celebrate The World in the Village EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220828 173907 Celebrate The World in the Village EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220828 151541 EFA22 Actors of Change EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220828 151541 EFA22 Actors of Change EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220828 134323 EFA22 Alpbach in Motion EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220828 134323 EFA22 Alpbach in Motion EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220828 134100 EFA22 Alpbach in Motion EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220828 134100 EFA22 Alpbach in Motion EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220827 192831 efa22 international evening EFA Philipp Huber

20220827 192831 efa22 international evening EFA Philipp Huber

20220827 171129 Kick Off Alpbach Ideas EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220827 171129 Kick Off Alpbach Ideas EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220827 165154 Kick Off Alpbach Ideas EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220827 165154 Kick Off Alpbach Ideas EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220827 121057 efa22 rada pop up 1 EFA Philipp Huber

20220827 121057 efa22 rada pop up 1 EFA Philipp Huber

20220826 143903 efa22 MUK pop up EFA Philipp Huber

20220826 143903 efa22 MUK pop up EFA Philipp Huber

20220826 143508 efa22 MUK pop up EFA Philipp Huber

20220826 143508 efa22 MUK pop up EFA Philipp Huber

20220824 183623 efa22 inclusion revolution EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220824 183623 efa22 inclusion revolution EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220824 123256 efa22 tyrol improvisation EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220824 123256 efa22 tyrol improvisation EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220824 104952 efa22 international disorder EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220824 104952 efa22 international disorder EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220824 102300 efa22 eu geopolitical awakening EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220824 102300 efa22 eu geopolitical awakening EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220824 081855 efa22 EFA morning briefing standard EFA Philipp Huber

20220824 081855 efa22 EFA morning briefing standard EFA Philipp Huber

20220824 074448 efa22 morning sport EFA Philipp Huber

20220824 074448 efa22 morning sport EFA Philipp Huber

20220823 174452 efa22 clemens wenger EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220823 174452 efa22 clemens wenger EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220823 135148 efa22 european homeownership EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220823 135148 efa22 european homeownership EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220823 113725 efa22 general EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220823 113725 efa22 general EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220823 112151 efa22 ukraine six months after EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220823 112151 efa22 ukraine six months after EFA Andrei Pungovschi A

20220823 105458 efa22 ukraine six months after EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220823 105458 efa22 ukraine six months after EFA Andrei Pungovschi

20220822 181106 efa22 art installation spalena EFA Philipp Huber

20220822 181106 efa22 art installation spalena EFA Philipp Huber

20220822 153135 efa22 opening art EFA Philipp Huber

20220822 153135 efa22 opening art EFA Philipp Huber

20220822 153105 efa22 opening art EFA Philipp Huber

20220822 153105 efa22 opening art EFA Philipp Huber

20220821 13 39 38 efa22 get 2 gether EFA Philipp Huber

20220821 13 39 38 efa22 get 2 gether EFA Philipp Huber

20220821 13 27 15 efa22 get 2 gether EFA Philipp Huber

20220821 13 27 15 efa22 get 2 gether EFA Philipp Huber

20220820 172113 efa22 Welcome of Scholarship Holders preview EFA Philipp Huber

20220820 172113 efa22 Welcome of Scholarship Holders preview EFA Philipp Huber

20220820 162025 efa22 Welcome of Scholarship Holders preview EFA Philipp Huber

20220820 162025 efa22 Welcome of Scholarship Holders preview EFA Philipp Huber

220824 140307 efa22 Ukriane a WA Reness c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

220824 140307 efa22 Ukriane a WA Reness c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

220823 165914 efa22 sustainability or strategic autonomy c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

220823 165914 efa22 sustainability or strategic autonomy c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

220821 173749 efa22 ART installations c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

220821 173749 efa22 ART installations c EFA Elisabeth Mandl

21 08 2022 15 19 09 efa22 Euregio Lab EFA Andrei Pungovschi

21 08 2022 15 19 09 efa22 Euregio Lab EFA Andrei Pungovschi

21 08 2022 11 15 56 efa22 tyr opening EFA Andrei Pungovschi

21 08 2022 11 15 56 efa22 tyr opening EFA Andrei Pungovschi