EFA24 Programme

These are some of the highlights of the EFA24. The programme and list of contributors will be updated continuously. We look forward to seeing you in Alpbach!

Speakers Selection


Pascal Lamy


Climate Overshoot Commission


Kirsten Dunlop


EIT Climate-KIC


Pope Francis

Head of the Catholic Church

(via Livestream)


Stefan Dörfler


Erste Group Bank AG


Cristina Gherasimov

Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration

Republic of Moldova


Arancha González Laya

Dean Paris School of International Affairs

Sciences Po


Norbert Totschnig

Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management

Republic of Austria


Michael Kofman

Senior Fellow

Carnegie Endowment


Adam Bodnar

Minister of Justice

Republic of Poland


Martin Hetzer


ISTA - Institute of Science and Technology


Anja Meierkord

Labour Market Expert



Luisa Neubauer

Climate Activist & Author

Fridays for Future


Jakov Milatović


Republic of Montenegro


Andreas Babler

Federal Party Chairman

SPÖ - Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs


Alma Zadić

Federal Minister of Justice

Republic of Austria


Karoline Edtstadler

Federal Minister for the EU and Constitution

Republic of Austria


Werner Kogler

Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport

Republic of Austria


Joseph E. Stiglitz

Economist, Public Policy Analyst and Professor

Columbia University


Maria Demertzis

Professor EUI, Senior Fellow Bruegel

EUI, Bruegel


José Manuel Barroso

Former President of the European Commission


Beate Meinl-Reisinger

Party Leader

NEOS - Das Neue Österreich und Liberale Forum


Sandrine Dixson-Declève


The Club of Rome


Joschka Fischer

Former Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs

Federal Republic of Germany


Cédric Villani

University Professor

University Lyon I & IHES


Ivan Krastev

Permanent fellow

Institute for Human Sciences IWM Vienna


Werner Stengg

Cabinet Expert

European Commission


Alexander Schallenberg

Federal Minister for European and International Affairs

Republic of Austria


Othmar Karas

First Vice-President

European Parliament


Rafael Grossi

Director General

International Atomic Energy Agency


Anna Lührmann

Minister of State for Europe and Climate

Federal Republic of Germany

Programme 2024

Austria in Europe Days

Tuesday, 27. August

Starting times

Wednesday, 28. August

Starting times
Back on Track: Democratic Backsliding and the Challenge of Re-Democratisation
English 90
With democratic norms in a worldwide decline, the consequences of this erosion have to be recognised and democratic success stories, such as the case of Poland, have to be appreciated and learnings adopted. We build an understanding of the signs and steps of democratic backsliding, and examine the challenge of re-democratisation, most notably restoring checks and balances and media freedom. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Back on Track: Democratic Backsliding and the Challenge of Re-Democratisation
Disunited in Diversity: What Role for the EU in the Middle East?
English 180

Unlike in the case of the war in Ukraine, the EU has not been able to speak with one voice regarding the war in Gaza. Member states have been criticised for applying double standards regarding the two conflicts. How does this affect Europe’s credibility in the Middle East and beyond and what role can the EU play in fostering a sustainable peace? //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. 

Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Disunited in Diversity: What Role for the EU in the Middle East?
Beyond Money: Improving Your Financial Well-being
English 180

Assess your own financial well-being and learn tricks to improve it using the latest findings from financial well-being research and behavioural science. Gain a more holistic understanding of your financial well-being, learn about the biases that may be holding you back, and get ideas on how to overcome them with simple steps that can go far beyond finances.


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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09:00 - 12:00 Beyond Money: Improving Your Financial Well-being
Shifting Paradigms: Use the Power of Your Personal Climate Handprint
English 180

The escalating climate crisis demands urgent action from as many people as possible. However, when it comes to climate action, many people feel powerless, overwhelmed, and frustrated. Framings that individualise responsibility, along with finger-pointing and blame-games, lead to guilt, repression, and inactivity. We will explore how the term “carbon footprint” has contributed to provoking this situation and how each of us can contribute to positive change effectively by applying the climate handprint concept. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water. 


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Shifting Paradigms: Use the Power of Your Personal Climate Handprint
Alpbach IDEAS Camp
English 180

Become part of Alpbach IDEAS, a one-year journey that bridges the gap between theory and practice and creates a space for experiments and continuous learning. Aspiring changemakers, innovators, and problem solvers are invited to participate in three dynamic workshops called IDEAS Camps. Active participation in all workshops is highly recommended for those interested in joining the Alpbach IDEAS programme in 2024/2025. 

- facilitated by Pioneers Innovation

Volksschule , Volksschule Erdgeschoß 3
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09:00 - 12:00 Alpbach IDEAS Camp
Enough Is Enough
English 180

Right now, an eco-social future where we stay within the limits of our resources seems utopian. A collaborative project that connects science and the arts makes sufficiency tangible. 

Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
09:00 - 12:00 Enough Is Enough
Vienna New Deal - Prospects for a Climate-Friendly Future
English 180

The climate crisis affects us in many ways and leads to dystopian visions of the future. The Vienna New Deal aims to counteract this and show prospects for a socio-ecological transformation. To this end, strategies for change will be developed that focus on the common good and climate protection and blueprint for a climate-friendly future, in which all people can lead a good life within the planetary boundaries. 

Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Terrasse
09:00 - 12:00 Vienna New Deal - Prospects for a Climate-Friendly Future
Aging Europe: Ensuring Prosperity, Advancing Innovation
English 90

The demographic shift affects all of Europe. As the population ages rapidly, the number of people in the working-age group decreases. The challenge lies in maintaining prosperity, financing social systems, and promoting innovation. Representatives from politics, business, and academia discuss solutions and explore how migration can be beneficial for both sides. 

Hotel Böglerhof , Böglerhof - Fichtensaal
09:00 - 10:30 Aging Europe: Ensuring Prosperity, Advancing Innovation
What will the EU get from the accession of Ukraine?

What will the EU get from the accession of Ukraine? Discuss the benefits  from Ukraine’s accession despite the cost incurred. Current estimates suggest that Ukraine’s membership will be bearable for the EU budget, even given the war uncertainty. Ukraine will enhance the EU in the fields of military, energy, agriculture, pharmacy, and IT. 

Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Seminarraum
10:00 - 11:30 What will the EU get from the accession of Ukraine?
Stop, Look and Listen: Sensing Nature
English 150

Conserving biodiversity and our ecosystem for the future requires respect for and a deeper understanding of the natural world – and it all starts with listening and looking intently. Learn to reconnect more deeply with your environment and your fellow beings by experimenting with sound and found material. Immerse yourself in the sensory environment of the local forest. 
//INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. 

Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
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14:00 - 16:30 Stop, Look and Listen: Sensing Nature
Europe’s Scale-Up Challenge: How to Grow Up in Europe?
English 150

European innovation thrives at the start-up level, yet many promising ventures often stumble at the scale-up stage compared to their US and Scandinavian counterparts. Join an interactive discussion on the financing bottlenecks that European entrepreneurs face when trying to scale up their businesses and find ways to foster a vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem that unlocks Europe’s investment potential. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water.


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 Europe’s Scale-Up Challenge: How to Grow Up in Europe?
Addressing the Paradox: Demographic Trends vs. Migration Fears
English 150

Europe's population is ageing, labour markets are evolving and the demand for immigrant labour grows accordingly. Yet concerns and anxieties about migration persist. Join us as we navigate this paradox and examine how societies and governments can strike a balance between tackling demographic imperatives and addressing fears about immigration.


//INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water.

Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 Addressing the Paradox: Demographic Trends vs. Migration Fears
Demographic Change and Affordable Pensions: Challenges and Prospects

The birth rate is falling, the proportion of older people is rising: Europe and Austria are facing enormous demographic change. These developments are accompanied by new trends and ever-increasing employee mobility. Against this backdrop, the following questions arise: Are European pension systems fit for the future? Are they able to maintain their promise of benefits? Are the social systems keeping pace here? This is a discussion on necessary measures and how politicians can drive forward bold changes despite concerns about votes. 


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
14:00 - 15:30 Demographic Change and Affordable Pensions: Challenges and Prospects
Let Others Wage War For You, Thou, Happy Austria, Stay Neutral?
English 90

According to a poll, 72 % of Austrians expect other EU members to defend them in case of a military attack, but only 14 % say that Austria should support other EU members with armed troops. This attitude is also reflected in statements from government officials and could lead to Austria’s isolation. Time for an honest discussion about the tension between neutrality and solidarity and the consequences for Austrian security policy.

Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
14:00 - 15:30 Let Others Wage War For You, Thou, Happy Austria, Stay Neutral?
Green Transformation: Role of Banks, Asset Managers & Businesses

The green transformation requires joint efforts of banks, asset managers, businesses, and the public sector to redesign our economy. Central aspects include identifying prerequisites, determining actions from stakeholders and understanding financing and the associated costs. The discussion will revolve around the role of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Austria and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and around the circular economy.


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
14:00 - 15:30 Green Transformation: Role of Banks, Asset Managers & Businesses
How Trust runs the World

Trust in business, politics and media is the basis for our coexistence in a society. Trust is necessary to maintain international relations, to strengthen democracy and to enable companies to operate successfully. In times of loss of trust, the following question arises: How can trust be (re)established? 

Hotel Böglerhof , Böglerhof - Fichtensaal
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14:00 - 15:30 How Trust runs the World
Regenerative Agriculture: Debunking an Imaginary Conflict
English 90

Productivity and sustainability are often played off against each other, and so are the interests of the agricultural production system and the natural ecosystem. Hear from actors from the agri-food value chain who have come together across their individual industry silos to transform the system towards a regenerative agriculture. Find out which systemic shifts generate a shared vision among initially unlikely allies.

INFO: Join us for an optional hike after the session to exchange ideas on how you can transfer learnings from the session to your own field of action. 


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
14:00 - 15:30 Regenerative Agriculture: Debunking an Imaginary Conflict
Alpbach IDEAS Camp
English 120

Become part of Alpbach IDEAS, a one-year journey that bridges the gap between theory and practice and creates a space for experiments and continuous learning. Aspiring changemakers, innovators, and problem solvers are invited to participate in three dynamic workshops called IDEAS Camps. Active participation in all workshops is highly recommended for those interested in joining the Alpbach IDEAS programme in 2024/2025. 

- facilitated by Pioneers Innovation

Volksschule , Volksschule Erdgeschoß 3
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14:00 - 16:00 Alpbach IDEAS Camp
Understand Forces of Nature, Experience Disaster Prevention

Torrent and avalanche control ensures the sustainable fulfilment of protection against natural hazards in rural regions. During this practical excursion, participants will gain an insight into the implementation of disaster prevention in Austria and neighbouring countries, visit protective structures and experience how natural disasters are dealt with in a simulation game example. 

Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Terrasse
14:00 - 16:30 Understand Forces of Nature, Experience Disaster Prevention
Stories Of Transformation – How We Cope With Fundamental Change

Artificial intelligence, climate change: Fundamental changes are forcing us to learn and to adapt – at work, in business and in shaping our society. The experiences of our speakers and guests help us to better understand: How do they deal with fundamental change? Which transformations push them to their limits? Which ones do they see as opportunities? 

Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Seminarraum
14:00 - 15:30 Stories Of Transformation – How We Cope With Fundamental Change
Sparking Connections: a Network Format

This networking format is for those who want to make new acquaintances. Regardless of whether you are attending the EFA for the first time or have been a participant for years: Our moderators will skilfully break the ice and ensure that connections spark.

Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Europa Foyer
16:00 - 17:00 Sparking Connections: a Network Format
Countering Far-Right Narratives and the Responsibility of the Centre
English 60

The resurgence of the far-right presents a significant challenge to democratic values and social cohesion. The political centre plays a crucial role as it oscillates between combating and adopting far-right narratives. In a constructive debate, effective countermeasures and ways to defend our inclusive and democratic societies are to be found. 

Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 Countering Far-Right Narratives and the Responsibility of the Centre
European Defence: Investing More, Better and European
English 60

In the ongoing war of attrition, Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against Russia’s attacks depends on Western military assistance. However, US support is stalling and could be further reduced after the elections. This gap has to be filled by European countries which also have to replenish their own arsenals. How can Europe make better use of the potential of its defence industry and deliver what is needed? 

Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 European Defence: Investing More, Better and European

Thursday, 29. August

Starting times
Rethinking (Wealth) Taxation
English 180

The increase in income and wealth inequality poses a serious challenge to impoverished individuals and threatens both social mobility and economic stability. Taxation and other redistributive mechanisms can counteract these dynamics. Explore the crucial role of the state in addressing the dynamics that drive inequality. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water.


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Rethinking (Wealth) Taxation
Setting the Agenda: EU Reform Priorities for the Next Commission
English 180

Europe is at a critical juncture ahead of the appointment of the next European Commission. We have to collectively outline EU reform priorities, including potential treaty change, that will shape the future of the continent. Let's jointly explore a course towards a strong and democratic Europe.

//INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water.

Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Setting the Agenda: EU Reform Priorities for the Next Commission
The Art of Grand Strategy
English 180

Grand Strategy determines how states apply their political, diplomatic, military and economic tools to advance their national interests. After an introduction to the concept, you will work in groups on various aspects of a future EU Grand Strategy. You will discuss how the EU can stabilize Europe, secure its southern flank and keep the world together.


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
09:00 - 12:00 The Art of Grand Strategy
Tomorrow Today: Imagining a Liveable Future
English 90

Imagine what a transformed future will look and feel like – and you have already taken the first step towards it. After a short introduction on the usefulness of applied imagination, in this session participants will explore and co-create narrations of a future where humanity will have successfully achieved the transformation. Share your thoughts on a climate-positive future and the path towards it. 

Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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09:00 - 10:30 Tomorrow Today: Imagining a Liveable Future
Alpbach IDEAS Camp
English 180

Become part of Alpbach IDEAS, a one-year journey that bridges the gap between theory and practice and creates a space for experiments and continuous learning. Aspiring changemakers, innovators, and problem solvers are invited to participate in three dynamic workshops called IDEAS Camps. Active participation in all workshops is highly recommended for those interested in joining the Alpbach IDEAS programme in 2024/2025. 

- facilitated by Pioneers

Volksschule , Volksschule Erdgeschoß 3
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09:00 - 12:00 Alpbach IDEAS Camp
Turn Green: Standing Assets in a Sustain

Transforming existing buildings sustainably without forgetting the social aspects is a huge task. We dive into analysis methods, strategies for sustainable management, retrofitting options and much more, to find solutions that can be implemented in reality.

Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Seminarraum
09:00 - 12:00 Turn Green: Standing Assets in a Sustain
Utopia Build-a-Box
English 165

Reimagine the present and reshape our understanding of tomorrow using the tools of design and storytelling. Build a tool set through creative exercises to imagine positive, collective futures.


Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
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14:00 - 16:45 Utopia Build-a-Box
The Externalisation of EU Migration Management: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
English 150

In order to curb irregular migration, the EU has concluded several agreements with third countries such as Turkey, Tunisia and most recently Egypt. There are also discussions on transferring asylum seekers to purportedly safe third countries and processing their asylum applications there like the UK plans to do in Rwanda. Does this approach work and is it compatible with European values? //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water.

Ort Alpbach , Buswendeplatz
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14:00 - 16:30 The Externalisation of EU Migration Management: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
Confronting Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Europe
English 90

In recent years, Europe has witnessed a concerning resurgence of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, threatening the fabric of pluralistic societies and undermining the principles of tolerance and peaceful coexistence. The origins, proliferation and impact on society at large and on communities across the continent are explored, seeking effective methods to confront these forms of stereotyping, prejudices and hatred.


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 Confronting Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Europe
Untapping Potential and Strengthening Cohesion: Energy Transition in EU Candidate Countries
English 150

Nine countries are currently in line for EU membership, and their EU integration process in terms of climate and energy goals is already underway. By looking at cases from the broader region, this session showcases the opportunities of jointly engaging in the energy transition. It will outline how the EU and candidate countries can together foster cohesion and enhance Europe’s energy security and resilience. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water. 


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
14:00 - 16:30 Untapping Potential and Strengthening Cohesion: Energy Transition in EU Candidate Countries
How to Govern AI in Austria

Securing prosperity, seizing opportunities, shaping the future – What is the Austrian strategy for a regulatory framework and successful implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in business, society and administration?

Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Schrödinger-Saal
14:00 - 15:30 How to Govern AI in Austria
Quantum Computing: The Next Superpower?
English 90

Quantum computing promises to disrupt industries and unleash breakthroughs at an unprecedented speed. It is believed to tackle problems beyond imagination – from secure communications to new levels of computing that could bring us life-saving drugs in record time, improved AI performance, and optimised financial markets. But with great power comes great responsibility. Will quantum computing be the key to solving humanity’s greatest challenges, and what could be the unforeseen consequences? 


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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14:00 - 15:30 Quantum Computing: The Next Superpower?
Sparking Connections: a Network Format
English 60

This networking format is for those who want to make new acquaintances. Regardless of whether you are attending the EFA for the first time or have been a participant for years: Our moderators will skilfully break the ice and ensure that connections spark.

Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Europa Foyer
16:00 - 17:00 Sparking Connections: a Network Format
The Incoming European Commission's Agenda on Delivering the Green Transition
English 60

As Europe moves towards climate neutrality by 2050, the European Commission needs to support EU Member States in implementing reforms that support the green transition and contribute to the achievement of the Green Deal. What are the key priorities and potential stumbling blocks for the new Commission? Find out how citizens, businesses and stakeholders can contribute to the success of the green transition. 


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Flora-Heiss-Rogger Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 The Incoming European Commission's Agenda on Delivering the Green Transition
Looking Back 100,000 Years: Learning for the Future
English 60

This deep dive conversation will explore what we can learn from our ancestors, in particular the Neanderthals, in relation to the current crises of the world. Gain insights on how we have come to define ourselves as humanity based on past evolutions, and on what superpowers we have inherited from our ancestors. What can we learn about the risks of extinction but also about our ancestors’ incredible feat of “conquering” the world? 


Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 Looking Back 100,000 Years: Learning for the Future

The EFA24 schedule: