
Participate in interactive, outcome-oriented group work sessions and deep-dive into the most burning challenges of our times. Explore and engage in finding solutions together with our high potential speakers and participants by using the unique potential of the swarm intelligence.

Works on the Schedule 2023

Sunday, 25. August

Starting times
The Elephant in the Room: Goodbye, Cognitive Dissonance
How do you train your inner dragon? Inner conflicts are part of being human. When personal aspirations and reality diverge as we face major crises, cognitive dissonance comes into play: we know it is time to act, but our inner dragon keeps us lingering in inaction. This workshop invites you to an experiment: by combining approaches from environmental psychology with movement, dance and improvisation, you will look for ways to train our inner dragon: How can we set impulses that help us overcome inner conflicts and move in a new direction both mentally and physically?
Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
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09:00 - 12:00 The Elephant in the Room: Goodbye, Cognitive Dissonance
Conflict Resolution in Times of Crises – From Communication to Cooperation
For those of us on the outside of today’s violent global and local conflicts, we have an obligation and the challenge of a generation to try something different: having conversations, even without having all the solutions – lessons from the Muslim Jewish Conference.  
Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Seminarraum
09:00 - 12:00 Conflict Resolution in Times of Crises – From Communication to Cooperation
Winds of Radical Change in European Politics?
English 180
European politics is witnessing unprecedented shifts, challenging established structures and giving rise to new movements. This two-part debate will initially investigate whether a radical change in the European political landscape has in fact occurred, dissecting election results and the driving forces behind them. We will then discuss the broader implications, whether there will be a radical change in the trajectory of Europe and Europe's role in the world. //INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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09:00 - 12:00 Winds of Radical Change in European Politics?

Monday, 26. August

Starting times
Forming Alliances: Collective Strategies for our Democracies
There is one thing many of us have in common:  we are working for a better world of tomorrow. But even if we have similar goals, our activities are often uncoordinated. At a time of polycrisis that puts us under enormous pressure to act, strategic cooperation seems more important than ever. How do we manage to join forces in this plurality and complexity and develop collective strategies in order to achieve our common goals faster and more purposefully and strengthen our democracies? 
Hotel Alphof , Alphof - Seminarraum
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09:00 - 12:00 Forming Alliances: Collective Strategies for our Democracies
Sufficiency Gap Report: Co-Creating a Narrative towards a Sufficiency Economy in the EU
The just transition keeps making news’ handlines, however, today’s policies aiming at the environmental transformation of the EU are far from being just. The concept of sufficiency ensures that policies and business models deliver on human needs within planetary boundaries. In this workshop participants will co-create just transition narratives for the EU that will inform the soon to be published Sufficiency Gap Report of the World Sufficiency Lab. 
Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Seminarraum
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09:00 - 12:00 Sufficiency Gap Report: Co-Creating a Narrative towards a Sufficiency Economy in the EU
Rethinking Work in the Age of AI & Automation
English 180
Digital technologies have fundamentally changed the way businesses operate and people interact. While many jobs will be lost along the way, many more will be created and almost all will be transformed. What will the future of work look like? Discuss how policy makers, companies and societies can ensure that workers acquire the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing labour market. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place on the upper floor of the elementary school. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Vorplatz
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09:00 - 12:00 Rethinking Work in the Age of AI & Automation
Staged Contact
Learn to use approaches from arts and culture in new and exciting ways! You’ll dare to ask questions, give compliments and cause conditions to dance. Surprising methods will lead you to unusual encounters; you will change locations and experience dynamic interactions. The open exchange with each other is a key tool for practising democracy; it also encourages connections that last.  
Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
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09:00 - 12:00 Staged Contact
Resilience Against a Backlash: Maintaining Momentum for Climate Action
English 180
There will either be a just transition or no transition at all – This is a statement that is often heard. Particularly in times of (anticipated) backsliding on climate action, it is crucial that a) the transition is designed by taking everyone’s needs and interests into account, and b) polarising voices do not dominate the discourse. In this workshop you will explore arguments and policies that really work in addressing the trilemma of social justice, democratic participation and climate action holistically and that support society in unearthing aspiration from grievances. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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09:00 - 12:00 Resilience Against a Backlash: Maintaining Momentum for Climate Action

Wednesday, 28. August

Starting times
Enough Is Enough: Give Non-Human Species a Voice
English 180
Humans cannot thrive without a functioning ecosystem. But who shares our habitat? In this workshop, you will explore the biodiversity that surrounds us. You will take a walk to encounter various non-human creatures and step into their shoes to redesign a public space in Alpbach to meet their specific needs.
Schulhäusl , Schulhäusl
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09:00 - 12:00 Enough Is Enough: Give Non-Human Species a Voice
The future of the EU Green Deal – Financing the Transition
Europe’s transition to a climate-neutral economic system poses a significant challenge to finance ministries. We discuss why it is important to harmonise fiscal, budget and competition policy when complying with international and union climate goals, and why a purely debt-based transformation is not a solution. In this context, the instrument of green budgeting is also presented. 
Ort Alpbach , Feuerwehrhaus
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09:00 - 12:00 The future of the EU Green Deal – Financing the Transition
Beyond Money: Improving Your Financial Well-being
English 180
Assess your own financial well-being and learn tricks to improve it using the latest findings from financial well-being research and behavioural science. Gain a more holistic understanding of your financial well-being, learn about the biases that may be holding you back, and get ideas on how to overcome them with simple steps that can go far beyond finances. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
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09:00 - 12:00 Beyond Money: Improving Your Financial Well-being
Alpbach IDEAS Camp
English 420
Learn more about business and social innovation as well as the design thinking approach, how to structure problems and ideas, and why it is necessary to understand problems and needs before designing innovative solutions. First, we identify problem areas within EFA’s four thematic tracks. After prioritising these problems, you will ideate your own solutions for a better Europe and evaluate them as a team. //INFO: Please note that there is at least a one-hour lunch break and coffee breaks.- facilitated by Pioneers Innovation GmbH
Volksschule , Volksschule Obergeschoß 2
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09:00 - 16:00 Alpbach IDEAS Camp

Thursday, 29. August

Starting times
Prosperity and Achievement as the Basis for Social Cohesion
German 180
We are facing major upheavals and challenges that cannot be solved without confidence, a commitment to work and a growth mindset. Nevertheless, debates about reducing working hours and degrowth are becoming ever more prevalent without considering the impact on our social systems and the resilience of our societies. However, don’t we need innovation, personal responsibility and achievement to secure prosperity and thus strengthen social cohesion and trust in democracy, now more than ever? 
Hotel Alphof , Alphof - Speisesaal
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09:00 - 12:00 Prosperity and Achievement as the Basis for Social Cohesion
Alpbach IDEAS Camp
English 180
On day two, you will specify your IDEAS and learn more about the evaluation and development process of the Alpbach IDEAS programme, that takes place throughout the year with selected teams. Create and structure an idea card as well as a storyboard for your video reel submissions. Prepare your IDEAS for the EFA jury and public voting and work on your impact for Europe!- facilitated by Pioneers
Volksschule , Volksschule Obergeschoß 2
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09:00 - 12:00 Alpbach IDEAS Camp
Turn Green: Standing Assets in a Sustainable Future
Transforming existing buildings sustainably without forgetting the social aspects is a huge task. We dive into analysis methods, strategies for sustainable management, retrofitting options and much more, to find solutions that can be implemented in reality.
Hotel Post , Hotel Post - Seminarraum
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09:00 - 12:00 Turn Green: Standing Assets in a Sustainable Future
The Art of Grand Strategy
English 180
Grand Strategy determines how states apply their political, diplomatic, military and economic tools to advance their national interests. After an introduction to the concept, you will work in groups on various aspects of a future EU Grand Strategy. You will discuss how the EU can stabilize Europe, secure its southern flank and keep the world together. 
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Liechtenstein-Hayek-Saal
09:00 - 12:00 The Art of Grand Strategy