A Walk through Deep Time into Action for an Earth for All

2:00 pm - 4:30 pm
A Walk through Deep Time into Action for an Earth for All

Sunday, 25. August
150 minutes

On this transformative walking experience, participants physically move through 4.6 billion years of Earth History. Together we experience how inconceivably unlikely and extraordinary life and humans existence on our planet is and how dynamic, complex and fragile the interactions are that have shaped life as we know it. This walk weaves together scientific knowledge and immersive storytelling and encourages an outlook of active hope. After walking all the way from the creation of our planet back to the here and now, we explore visionary and science-based pathways towards the necessary giant leap enabling the socio-ecological transformation that we need.

//INFO: Bring hiking shoes and sufficient water. In case of heavy rain, the session is going to take place in the gym of the elementary school.

Supported by Club of Rome

Nathalie Spittler

Postdoctoral Researcher University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Martin Hoffmann

Secretary General Austrian Chapter of the Club of Rome

Daniel Körner

Scientist University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna