Let's Call a Spade a Spade: What the EU Needs to Do to Get Things Right.

9:00 am - 10:30 am
Let's Call a Spade a Spade: What the EU Needs to Do to Get Things Right.

Monday, 26. August
90 minutes
First come first serve

Which role does Europe play globally? What does the continent's future potential consist of? Do the EU's values (still) have a role in the age of BigTech and AI? How do we address the megatrends that shape our times: demographics, climate change, inequality, and globalization? This panel offers diverse range of views, but with one common denominator: the belief that Europe's best days are yet to come!


//INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device.

Supported by Erste Group

Peter Bosek

CEO Erste Group Bank AG

Sylvie Goulard

Professor of Practice in Global Affairs and Geopolitics SDA Bocconi School of Management

Helle Thorning-Schmidt

Former Prime Minister Kingdom of Denmark

Doris Vettermann

Domestic policy and EU journalist