Track Forum: Climate

12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Track Forum: Climate

Monday, 26. August
90 minutes
First come first serve

Come and meet fellow participants who share an interest for the Climate track .track. Get to know each other at lunch and debate the current programme highlights and main controversies so far.

12:15-12:45    Check-in & ordering of food
12:45-13:15    Input by KONTEXT – Institute for Climate Matters on the content highlights and controversies of the EFA24 programme so far
13:15-13:45    Exchange among participants

//INFO: Lunch and drinks are at your own expense. Please be on time at 12:15 so you have enough time to order comfortably. Three dishes are to choose from.


Hosted by KONTEXT – Institute for Climate Matters

Katharina Rogenhofer

Co-Founder & Spokeswoman KONTEXT – Institut für Klimafragen