Vienna New Deal – Prospects for a Climate-Friendly Future

9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Vienna New Deal – Prospects for a Climate-Friendly Future

Wednesday, 28. August
180 minutes
First come first serve

The European Forum Alpbach hike “Vienna New Deal – Prospects for a Climate-Friendly Future: What it takes to get things going” invites participants to reflect on what fields of action are needed for a social-ecological transformation. After a welcome and introduction by Jürgen Czernohorszky, two different impulses along the hike will show fields of action and specific approaches for a climate-just future.  
Introduction and Framing: Bold visions for change: “Wien New Deal” by Jürgen Czernohorszky

Input: We need to enable local actors to become agents of change by Roxana Dela Fiamor

Input: We need positive visions of the future by Sithara Pathirana.

Input: We need truly democratic societies to create a sustainable transition by Luisa Neubauer.
Finally, the group will gather at “Rossmoos” where the keynote speakers will bring together their perspectives in a fishbowl panel discussion. Participants are invited to take a seat in the open chair of the panel and add their perspectives. Participants are encouraged to define “Visions for Action”: concrete steps they can take as individuals and/or in their professional role to achieve the jointly sketched vision of the future.


//INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of bad weather, shuttles will bring you to the location.

Supported by City of Vienna

Luisa Neubauer

Climate Activist & Author Fridays for Future

Jürgen Czernohorszky

Executive City Councillor for Climate, Environment, Democracy and Personnel City of Vienna

Roxana Dela Fiamor

Senior Researcher E3G