Arancha González Laya

Dean Paris School of International Affairs
Sciences Po

She started her career in the private sector and is former Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Development of Spain, Assistant-Secretary General of the United Nations and Chief of Staff at the World Trade Organisation, European Commission.

Arancha González Laya on the Schedule 2024

Monday, 26. August

Starting times
Finding a New Balance in Times of Crises: Trade and Climate Relations between Europe and Africa
English 90
The EU has made commitments to support Africa in its climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. At the same time, the EU’s climate diplomacy actions could contribute to a potential slowing down of African economic growth. How can the two continents shape a relationship that advances decarbonisation without creating trade barriers, that is, a relationship that is reciprocal and fit for the challenges of the 21st century? 
Volksschule , Volksschule Obergeschoß 1
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14:00 - 15:30 Finding a New Balance in Times of Crises: Trade and Climate Relations between Europe and Africa
Better Safe Than Sorry: Time to Get Serious about European Strategic Sovereignty
English 60
Former US President Trump’s statements about NATO shocked European allies and raised doubts about the continued reliability of the US as Europe’s security guarantor. Will Europe be able to defend and promote its way of life without the US? What does it take to achieve more sovereignty in terms of security and defence? //INFO: The session will begin with the short film Power (Dana Sink, US 2017, 2:23 min), offering an artistic perspective on the topic of discussion. //INFO: This session will be translated by Wordly. If you would like to listen to the translation, please bring headphones suitable for your device.  
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Herz-Kremenak-Saal
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17:00 - 18:00 Better Safe Than Sorry: Time to Get Serious about European Strategic Sovereignty