Luisa Neubauer

© Lena Faye
Climate Activist & Author
Fridays for Future

For five years, she and the movement have been bringing hundreds of thousands of people onto the streets to fight for political climate action. She has met various heads of state and government and published four best-selling books on the climate crisis.

Luisa Neubauer on the Schedule 2024

Wednesday, 28. August

Starting times
Vienna New Deal – Prospects for a Climate-Friendly Future
English 180
The European Forum Alpbach hike “Vienna New Deal – Prospects for a Climate-Friendly Future: What it takes to get things going” invites participants to reflect on what fields of action are needed for a social-ecological transformation. After a welcome and introduction by Jürgen Czernohorszky, two different impulses along the hike will show fields of action and specific approaches for a climate-just future.   Introduction and Framing: Bold visions for change: “Wien New Deal” by Jürgen CzernohorszkyInput: We need to enable local actors to become agents of change by Roxana Dela FiamorInput: We need positive visions of the future by Sithara Pathirana.Input: We need truly democratic societies to create a sustainable transition by Luisa Neubauer. Finally, the group will gather at “Rossmoos” where the keynote speakers will bring together their perspectives in a fishbowl panel discussion. Participants are invited to take a seat in the open chair of the panel and add their perspectives. Participants are encouraged to define “Visions for Action”: concrete steps they can take as individuals and/or in their professional role to achieve the jointly sketched vision of the future. //INFO: Bring hiking shoes and water. In case of bad weather, shuttles will bring you to the location.
Congress Centrum Alpbach , CCA Terrasse
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09:00 - 12:00 Vienna New Deal – Prospects for a Climate-Friendly Future

Thursday, 29. August

Starting times